Would you be able to survive living in the stone age after living our modern life?

Would you be able to survive living in the stone age after living our modern life?

Say if the whole world was thrown back to stone age time in less than 24hrs by some catastrophic event that kills 98% of all humans all over the planet.

Samples of a catastrophic events:

Meteorite the size of Texas hitting the planet.

Earth magnetic poles switch and cause huge earthquakes, typhoons, sinkholes, flooding and so on.

There would be no internet, no cellphones, no cars, no houses, no televisions, no food grocery stores, no guns to hunt or to protect yourself with.

Can't hunt animals for food, because most of the animals have been wiped out to, just like 98% of worlds population of humans would be wiped out to.

So do you think if your one of the 2% that survived this ordeal. Could you now live in this new world?

Would you be able to survive living in the stone age after living our modern life?
15 Opinion