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I am haunted by my regrets. how to move on from past mistakes?

Hello. I think every one of us has regrets in life and certainly have made mistakes that we learn from and help us move forward. However i keep getting haunted by mine even though im trying to move past it.

I graduated high school at 18. Tried college right after, but i was immature and didn't take it seriously, so i kept failing and eventually dropped out. I also couldnt figure out what i wanted to do with my life, so i wanted to “wait”. For six years, i worked at restaurants and went out a lot. I’m 24 now and have only started to go back to school. Most of my friends have graduated college two or so years ago. I was in denial and kept doing nothing with my life. Met the love of my life a year ago when i was at my worst. I didn't think it would happen to me but he “pulled me out of darkness” and loved me despite all the things i lacked. He made me want to be better.

Anyway, i had just finished my first semester back in school and i did okay. I know what i want to do now, but i couldnt shake the feeling of regret. How i wasted my life for half a decade. I won't be graduating until im 27 or 28 years old. Recently i went to my friend’s graduation ceremony, i was sooo so happy for her, but then on my way to her university, i started crying so hard. I realized if i had gotten my shit together sooner i could also be graduating that day, or a year before that, and so on. I feel so ashamed when i talk to my old friends. I feel bad for my parents. I want to make them proud.

I randomly cry and hate on myself when i get reminded of what i have done. My parents are disappointed in me, my friends look down on me. My boyfriend is the only one who supports me and motivates me. I love him more for that. However, i need to stop drowning myself in my past mistakes but its so hard. Im trying to be better but i am filled with self hatred and anger. How can i move on?
I am haunted by my regrets. how to move on from past mistakes?
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