- 1 mo
Because I'm writing and reading English intensively, while it's not my mother tongue (what an odd expression by the way). So several times per day, I must look up definition, spelling, grammar and context, using WordReference as an english-french dictionary and Linguee as a tool to understand expressions and the spirit of a language?
10 Reply
Most Helpful Opinions
- 1 mo
I just looked a word up today! Anomaly. I've heard that word my whole life but never knew it's "true" definition. When it's used, I just figure it means, strange, weird... like if a potato chip looks like a bird. The actual definition is, when something is basically the opposite of what you expect, or what is standard or normal. An example is, if you hit the gas pedal on your car and it slows down but if you hit the brake, the car goes faster. Last week I looked up Juxtapose...
41 Reply- 1 mo
Hey @Juxtapose you've got a stalker 😆😆😆
- 1 mo
Recently I have started reading classics (the novels from old time) and they have old English and many sophisticated words so I often search up terms now. I also look up words from my science books often. I look up like 8-10 words regularly, it's a lot for adults because I'm probably on my student life. And since I wanna be the best writer later on in my life, I search up every new word I come across to increase my vocabulary.
20 Reply
940 opinions shared on Other topic. I check wiktionary fairly often to be sure I'm using a word correctly, or the right spelling. The browser's spill chucker takes care of the rest.
20 Reply
What Girls & Guys Said
3.2K opinions shared on Other topic. I look up words at least a few times a week on Google. If you seen my recent question last night I was googling what bug mode meant lol
10 ReplyI often look words up in some encyclopedias, but sometimes I use the dictionary.
I know the meaning of most words, but I want to see some specific details.
I voted daily.
10 Reply- u1 mo
Very often, almost daily. I have the Dictionary App on my phone and it has the word of the day on its home page.
10 Reply 1.2K opinions shared on Other topic. When I don't know it, I look it up on my kindle, as time goes on that becomes less and less, as I record the definition when I get it. I also do the same for translations or measurements that we no longer use (cubits, spans, stones, etc.)
10 Reply- 1 mo
A lot but mostly for the etymology of words rather than meaning. I find a thesaurus handy too.
10 Reply - 1 mo
Not often but if there’s a word I don’t understand then I’ll use it
10 Reply 1.4K opinions shared on Other topic. I don't do it a lot so I'd say maybe once a week. Sometimes I go weeks without looking up a word
10 Reply16.1K opinions shared on Other topic. Withy spell check on here I rarely pick up a dictionary.
10 Reply- 1 mo
Probably weekly. Usually to confirm spelling, rarely to check meaning/usage
10 Reply - 1 mo
The fuck is a dictionary?
17 Reply- 1 mo
I heard its a book.. with words in it.
- 1 mo
The fuck is a book?
- 1 mo
Its a physical object that if thrown at someone could do significant damage.
Moral of this story don’t throw books at people smh - 1 mo
Can I get it on google?
- 1 mo
What can’t you get on google is the better question.
Except what you actually want! (ba dum ts) - 1 mo
I want that Dick tionary
- 1 mo
Ill ‘look that up’ inside you heh…
4.4K opinions shared on Other topic. I just use Google, Doug. 😄
20 Reply
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