I know we’ve all been there. Perhaps it was unintentional or maybe you felt scammed or cheated.
What was it that made you feel that way? What happened?
I know we’ve all been there. Perhaps it was unintentional or maybe you felt scammed or cheated.
What was it that made you feel that way? What happened?
For sure. Probably at a job or two most notably. Seemed like I’d be the responsible one, doing what I’m supposed to be doing, and there have been a couple instances where some absolute knucklehead is EGREGIOUSLY fucking up, but they were buddied up with the ownership, so they got away with murder, and I’d be left to put out fires and pick up their slack. And then THEY’D get promotions, raises, etc, and never get bullshit for fucking up, but I’d get my balls busted for fucking up ONE thing.
Best example is “Bob”, another manager at a bar I used to bounce at and eventually moved into a management position. Smart kid, but an absolute idiot with a drinking and cocaine problem. And an abuse of authority problem.
Basically, dude was a waiter for a while, and got in with the owner, who was a weird dude, interpersonally. Nice enough guy, but kind of awkward. Bob was a musician, a saxophonist, and he played in a local band. Definitely had his positive qualities, pretty personable, a liked his sense of humor a lot of times, but he was very arrogant. He was a “short king” (that always makes me laugh🤣), so I don’t know if that’s why he was a little extra sometimes. But the owner was so enamored with Bob, and you could tell this 60 year old guy was sometimes to have a cool, young friend half his age, and Bob would drink with him, hang out at his house, etc
Anyway, he moved to LA to pursue music, but came back a few years later, and walked right back into our place with a manager job. And this kid IMMEDIATELY thought he owned the place. And he was fucking around with some of the waitresses, doing coke on-shift with them in the boiler room, causing drama when the ones who would mess with him started getting the most lucrative shifts, and the other waitresses were PISSED. All the while, I was left trying to cover his ass, covering HIS restaurant floor (I was the bar manager in the upstairs venue that was more of a bar), while he’s off playing grabass with some waitress behind locked doors in the middle of the dinner rush.
And the coup de grace was the night he, the general manager, and one of the cooks went out drinking at another bar down the street. They got shithouse, the other bar cut them off, and they responded by going outside and throwing rocks at the big picture window in front. Then the walked down the road, the cops had been called already, and found Bob and the cook rolling around on the ground in a legit fistfight (heard Bob got whupped, lmfao). There was a whole thing, resisting arrest, tried to hit the officer, etc.
Next day, the chief of police shows up your place looking for the owner. The chief, rightly so, tells the owner “You know…. we always come help you guys when you need us and have trouble. How am I supposed to feel good about that if YOUR guys are trying to assault MY guys?”, and basically “suggested” there might be problems getting the liquor license renewed if Bob remained on staff.
The owner looked like he was going to cry, legitimately. He was DEVASTATED. So Bob was fired for about a week, but then, the owner got ballsy and decided risking his livelihood was worth supporting his young and cool friend. HOLY SHIT🤦♂️🤦♂️🤦♂️ Nothing ever came of it, but Bob stayed on at the job and the shenanigans continued.
Meanwhile, I’d never see a raise, there was no real other promotions to be attained unless the GM (who was an investor in the business, so he wasn’t going anywhere) left, and Bob just always got the most desirable shifts, a lot of it would revolve around him working the very easy day shift so he could get off at 4 and drink at the bar with the owner. Oh, and he’d drunkenly come over and try to manage the waitstaff while off-duty, and he was an asshole-drunk, so he’d cause me even more drama, and I’d have to deal with that, plus always being the guy who had to stay til 3 AM to lock up.
Bob, if you’re out there….. suck a dick up til you hiccup🖕🖕
*and you could tell this 60 year old guy was stoked to have a cool, young friend
I think everyone has experienced this at one time or another. It’s happened to me in business several times, where I missed a deal or one didn’t work out as planned.
you just have to move on, learn from the experience, and stay positive.
grew up pretty poor with neglectful parents so yeah lol
it just sets you back behind everyone else and you're playing catchup. not even just financially, but like your mental health and knowledge of stuff too
Yes unfortunately with love and career stuff...
Thanks lol.
When I was younger I dated a girl that came from a very affluent town and her parents were fairly wealthy. She and all her friends went to fancy private colleges and got to go on ski vacations and had sailboats and all drove nice cars. None of these kids ever worried about paying tuition or car repairs or anything else but having fun. When we dated I was going to a crappy commuter school and living with my mother. I had an old Nova hatchback that did not start on really cold days. I had to work a crappy part time job to come up with tuition money.
I always felt I was born into the wrong family.
The worst time was at a bank. I go through my bank presence for our family, my wife's business and mine every day- like clockwork. One day I was striking balances and did a double take on a couple of entries. What I thought was an account balance was actually a charge made against my business account! I made a beeline to the bank branch we used (it was inside a local food store, as many branch banks now are). The amount was just a few hundred under my whole credit limit which was into five figures. The assistant manager was there- he got on the phone with HQ, they stopped the account and reissued a new CC hard card which was delivered by messenger in one day, wiped the whole amount, but still let me keep the "points" for the inconvenience. More recently- there were a couple of fake medical equipment claims using my Medicare #. ( One of the times I was on a plane waiting for landing clearance)! We got those cleared up and new Medicare numbers too. Moral - be vigilant!!!
Several times, so I'd rather not write all of that out. I had some friend groups in high school and college that handled a few situations in a really poor way.
I guess we were/are just on different wavelengths about things that I don't really understand how you could be on different wavelengths about.
For the most part yes , but I try to make the best of it as much as possible , considering I know I can’t change the past , and learned just to accept it for what it is. I try to live a peaceful content life , as much as possible , but it isn’t always easy to do so , seems they are is always negative things that come my was , but I keep picking myself up and move forward best I can , until I can no longer pick myself up anymore
Quite literally, with my sister (one year older) when we were kids. When she poured two glasses of coke out of one bottle, she'd measure them side by side, but then always added some more in her own glass. A shared sandwich or chocolate bar wasn't always split evenly. Guess who got the 'short end' of the chocolate bar?
In a figurative sense, like receiving less favorable treatment, I guess I've been there, until I learned to stand my ground.
Sure, I felt like that with some of my colleagues at work (my former job).
Also, all the girls I like tend to give me the short end of the stick :P
This was mostly a question to joke around with Pauly but it backfired and got featured. XD
See, GaG admins like your questions ;)
yes, my parents got my siblings cars, paid their rent, bought them food, paid for their education, but I got nothing. I didn't even have a bed to sleep in or food to eat for breakfast and they blamed me for that
@Circushowcowboy did you get the short end or were you not able to hold onto it at all? XD
It just looks like a regular stick to me
He'd be carrying half a needle and still end up with back pains! XD
Yes, especially because I followed you and you never followed back.
Yea for sure.
You get the stick available that you are skilled enough to get.
Nuff said.
yeah i was born ugly and gay with nerdy habits and no personality and social skills, im always at the mercy of others - will i be bullied to oblivion, can i keep a job longer than 4 months etc. I can't do anything, always am ignored talked down to or just insulted. Im practically a doormat and standing up for myself only gets me further in trouble, so i just take it like the good little female dog that I AM
Being disowned by my grandmother. She stole my dad's inheritance money and told us to f off. We had to grow up poor while my grandmother is living in a country club. She never cared about us. Not a dime for even baby formula or a crib when we were babies. She never spent one birthday with me my whole life. I hope she rots in hell.
Yes, by my ex-wife. And it was sharp and hurt on the way in,
Oh yes I definitely got the short end a few times in my life.
I never got a good education and I can’t get a good job
It may not be not easy to find the discipline, but the internet has all the information you need to educate yourself on just about everything if you're willing to put in the effort day in and day out.
@SixFootSexy I’m learning a lot right here on GaG
@SixFootSexy right 🤷♀️
Yes but I made my life a success thankfully. Never wait for anything to come to you!
Pants waist to big at waist but pants length short of waist good but pants legs to long.
I was playing a game of Risk and the rules got changed halfway through, right after my Army got destroyed.
Oh plenty of times lol
You know darn well 😒😂
Nothing specific..
Lmao ugghhh
No lmfao
Terrified 😱
😂 I already discussed with @Valdemort that your bully crew will be hired to handle all my gold coins
Yes. Some of the time.
Others pretending to be somebody they not and doing bad things how to get justice in that
Sometimes.. but life goes on.
Often. Particularly when admins block
No just the very thorny one
Felt that way several times
ALL us black folk feel that way.
Yes all my years but not long now
I am groot