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Well when my current boyfriend's short hair grew out some it made all the difference.
Short hair looked REALLY strange on him and when I met him I found him unattractive because of it. It made his nose look huge, his chin nonexistent, and his forehead looked like a football field. It was just a really bad haircut... For a long time I couldn't kiss him without closing my eyes before getting to close... (BEFORE we were dating!) I was interested in him BEFORE his looks changed.. and I even started dating him although I didn't find him all that physically attractive..
When it grew out, his forehead was normal, his nose looked normal.. everything that I once thought looked weird seemed pretty average again. He was...cute! My boyfriend transformed into a pretty cute guy. I liked him before because he was sweet, funny, he bought me things even if I said I didn't want them, he was just so nice..
Then as his hair grew out, I finally got personality AND looks! His body never was bad.. but I just wasn't attracted to him at first and I couldn't figure out WHY until his hair grew out! It made his face look super weird!
Now I beg him to keep his hair long! His friends make fun of him for it, but it looks SO much better and it made me love him so much more because it completed the package I was investing my feelings in.
It's not everything... but a good haircut on a guy makes everything so much more desirable.
A bad haircut can make a cute guy incredibly homely. Don't cut your hair unless you KNOW you can rock the new hairdo.00 Reply
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I think you already know the answer. We do notice it when a guy has a different hairstyle and we like it if he puts some effort into styling it. Personally, I don't really like spiky hair that visibly has hairgel in it. I like the "invisible" hairstyling products, like molding mud or hairspray.
On the other hand, we don't care if you have a bad hair day. If a guy who normally has a great hairstyle comes with his hair all messed up, we shrug it off, because we know men don't care about their hair as much as women do.00 Reply
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Yes! We notice it a lot! If we notice your hair is greasy and messed up in a non cute way we're not gonna wana talk to you. Some guys can get away with their natural hair because It's a cute messy or is naturally straight in a non ten feet long straight way haha. But make sure you don't over load it with hair product because A lot of times people will feel your hair if they like it. I love doing that to guys just running my fingers through it..But most guys at my school don't use product so I don't worry about it
00 Reply
- Anonymous(30-35)+1 y
yes they notice. I notice hair on a girl. just that it's not that important if I'm not interested in her. if I'm interested in the girl then it matters( but not a whole lot ) . so you can assume the opposite is true.
for example I shave very often. then I didn't for a couple of days and stubbles started to get visible. one girl actually told me she noticed I didn't shave...
tried to let my hair grow bigger ( try another look ) , didn't grow that much. maybe at around 3inches.( so not that long ) ( I usually go really short on sides and slighlty bigger on top ). when I cut it down ( I got bored with it ). girls told me it looks better on me this way.
I sometimes trim my sideburns and hair around my ear to make it look fresh after two weeks.00 Reply
I've often believed that women notice qualities of something while guys just notice if it's there and they like the way it looks. So if a guy has greasy hair, a woman will notice that it's greasy. If a woman has greasy hair but it looks nice then a guy will just notice that it looks nice. I think that this could apply to just about everything. But hey, maybe I'm wrong. :)
00 Reply
What Girls & Guys Said
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I notice wen a guy has an Afro, I have a weakness for them and I can get goo goo eyed wen I see one lol. On the other hand I also like it when guys have their hair really short, similar to guys in the military. So yeah I deffo do notice it and I have also noticed that I can get really put off by a guy whose too into their hair.
00 Reply - +1 y
Well, reverse it. How do you feel when a girl for example straightens her hair verses leaving it natural? People notice when you put more into your appearance.
01 Reply - +1 y
They're girls, they are far more observant than men. They probably notice if you clipped your nails this morning. Seriously.
10 Reply - +1 y
They notice every detail. Things you wouldn't even think of. Girls are naturally more judgmental.
20 Reply - +1 y
Yes. it's one of the first things to notice; it can definitely make or break a guy's appearance, making him look put-together and whatnot.
00 Reply omg yes, his hair is so important! his haircut shows part of his personality and character :) it can make or break his look
00 Replyi do, its way up on my list over what I look for in a guy
00 ReplyYes, women notice us guys hair. When I get a haircut, the ladies say to me that I looked outstanding with short hair.
10 ReplyHair is one thing that I immediately notice about a man.
00 Reply- Anonymous(30-35)+1 y
Yes yes yes! Hair can really change a guy's appearance. My boyfriend lets me do his hair and everyone says he looks much hotter. heheh
00 Reply - +1 y
Hair does matter, it's part of what makes guys attractive ... Surely it's just like if a girl does something with her hair or makeup she is more attractiv!?
10 Reply - Anonymous(30-35)+1 y
Girls observe everything they can spot a booger near your nose from a mile,so you have to be clean and well groomed otherwise you are just meh to her
00 Reply - Anonymous(18-24)+1 y
Yes. Makes me want to touch their hair.
10 Reply - +1 y
Haha I know, I do :)
00 Reply - +1 y
00 Reply - Anonymous(30-35)+1 y
Yes, always
00 Reply
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