Would Alexander Skarsgard be attracted to me or any black female?

Black women want to know if we have a chance or does he only date white blonds...
+1 y
Alexander Skarsgard is one of the lead actors on HBO hit show True Blood and has several moviesuunder his belt yo include but not limited to: Generation Kill, What Massive Knew, Melancholia, Disconnect, The East, in Lady Gaga's Papparatzi video, etc. The question resurrected after several failed relationships with actresses... why don't more actors date normal people to avoid all that drama. Thanks was a simple fan question.
+1 y
Alexander Skarsgard is one of the lead actors on HBO hit show True Blood and has several moviesuunder his belt yo include but not limited to: Generation Kill, What Massive Knew, Melancholia, Disconnect, The East, in Lady Gaga's Papparatzi video, etc. The question resurrected after several failed relationships with actresses... why don't more actors date normal people to avoid all that drama.
Would Alexander Skarsgard be attracted to me or any black female?
11 Opinion