Recently he has been quite stressed due to work problems and has been distant towards me. Still loving and we still spend time together but just different from before. This has caused problems in our relationship but we talked it through and have been trying to work things out.
However, he became suddenly emo last night (for lack of a better word) and kept saying how he has nothing to offer me, I can do better, and that he's a crappy boyfriend. I tried my best to reassure him and not take it personally but I became worried that he was trying to break up with me and was just letting me down easy.
I asked him straight up if that's the case and he said he is not trying to dump me. But then he kept going on about how he's sorry, he needs to figure his life out, he's holding me back and that he feels like a crutch. I don't understand what that means so I asked him if he means I'm using him and he said no.
Can anyone shed some light on what the crutch thing means? And just how to handle this in general? I already told him I will give him space to figure things out and that I will be here to talk and support him whenever he wants but honestly, this is hard for me. I don't know if he actually wants to leave me or if this is just a stress thing or if he will never come back to me.
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