Guys: The "Friendzone" is not even half as bad as you make it, if even real

Guys: The

Welcome :)

Ahhhh, the dreaded friendzone. The bad place. Nobody any guy wants to go when with someone he likes, and it's frequently with girls. A notorious place is the mind of men. But, to be blunt, it isn't real. And for those who swear up and down about how real it is, then it's not as bad as you often think. If anything, it can actually be a good thing.

Guys: The "Friendzone" is not even half as bad as you make it, if even real

Who's Her Best Friend? Not That Girl, Me!

Guys literally "rush to my aid" and often feel bad for me when they figure out my best friend is, in fact, a very beautiful girl. For some reason, the very fact that we're friends seems to spark pity within them. But then they try an nudge me with the ole, "But you hit it before, right?" comment, which might get you "nudged" in the face with a punch if you disrespect her or me like that again.

In all reality, no. I've never kissed, had sex with, dated, or did anything sexual besides a hug and a few breast squeezes, just playing though, before. We're just friends and I joke around with her like that. It's at a point now where she changes right in front of me, cuddles me if we're in the same bed sleeping (if she doesn't have a pillow to cuddle, I become a pillow as well), and we go out to eat together, but not as a date.

Now I know what you're thinking: Why in the hell am I telling you our relationship? Quite simply, did any of you guys who whine about the friendzone, which I guess I'm in since I DID once like her a little, wonder who her best friend is and why you're friendzoned? A little known fact guys: Sometimes it isn't another girl telling her you aren't good enough or, strange enough, who she's semi-comparing you too.

You, even as a general friend, are the guy she might go to if other guys are bothering her because she feels you won't be immature and salty and actually be able to help. You might be the guy she goes to when unsure about other guys. You might be the guy she asks for approval on. You could even move on from being just friends to maybe a boyfriend, who knows. But being a girls best friend isn't all bad.

My best friend is who I go to for approval on girls, since she knows me best and can see what I often fail to and notice later, who I talk to about anything, and who knows anything about me, as I do her.

So guys, just take being her best friend if anything. Not only does that show other girls you are actually capable of long, caring friendships, it shows you grew up a little mentally and don't have the stupid mindset that 'girls and boys just can't be friends'.

Guys: The "Friendzone" is not even half as bad as you make it, if even real

You know you're still considered a friend...

As the little caption suggests, this is true. Too many guys fail to notice this part and neglect it terribly. At least you're friends!!! She could have easily tossed you aside and ignored you, but decided to remain friends. So just take the damn "friendzone" and be glad you still are friends. Don't become a child throwing a temper tantrum because that is exactly what guys who calls a girl a "bitch", "slut", and other disrespectful names for not wanting them looks like. Imagine it like this: You are in Wal-Mart, right, and you see a kid who is begging their mommy for a candy bar. Mom says no and the kid, like many young toddlers, throws a temper tantrum. Imagine you are the child, the candy bar is the girl you want, and the mom is, well, her. Now you like her and you constantly go on and on about her and she says she likes you as a friend. You can either be a child, and go off about it, or grow up a little and accept that she at least likes you as a friend.

Or you can have her in your mind as a distant memory because she'll then assume the role of the observor who minds their business. In other words: You went from being "friend-zoned" to "acquaintance-zoned". Now that's something to cry about.

Guys: The "Friendzone" is not even half as bad as you make it, if even real

Your thirst level is on fleek when you consistantly go on

C'mon dudes. Do you really want to look so thirsty you can make a river? Do you need a river? Do you need a lake? Freshwater? Ocean? If a girl says she likes you as a friend, don't continue on. These guys who say "keep on, she'll give in eventually" are giving you bad advice. That translates to, "Keep on. I mean you look desperate and all, but she should give in cause most chicks do. If she doesn't, follow the bro-code and call her out on it. Don't worry, it's normal and you won't look like a whining bitch."

Word of advice from someone who had a thirsty guy on their tail: Not only does it make you look desperate, it makes you look creepy as high hell and I literally got into the habit of having my phone unlocked and ready to call the (hopefully not corrupt, cause those exist) police on his ass. If you end up catching feelings for a girl who puts her foot down and says "No!", and for some reason still persist day in and day out, it is honestly just creepy as shit.

So just go get a drink of water from a fountain or bottle and cool it. If she just wants to be friends, or you fucked that up by being desperate and now she wants nothing to do with you, then stay there. Stay in your lane until A) She actually seems to like you a little more than just friends, or B) You can't even stay friends.

Guys: The "Friendzone" is not even half as bad as you make it, if even real

You Made it! Now the conclusion!

Basically, in my opinion, the "friend-zone" isn't nearly as bad as you make it. Now if you claim you love her and she likes you as a friend, that's when you need to take steps back from your friendship in general. It's perfectly normal to maybe like a friend from time to time, but not normal to end the friendship altogether just because she doesn't feel the same because, honestly, not every girl will in the first place.

Now I have many female friends, like over half of all my friends are women. It's not that I'm trying to get them it's just that I get them. I understand them, I still think like a girl from time to time. So I have an easier time making friendships with girls than most guys, for reasons I can't explain currently. But I do, I have many female friends and I gotta say, it's fine really. When I'm seen with a group of girls, other females assume I'm safe and I get approached easier. When I'm alone, they approach me much more than when I'm with a group of guys. Quite frequently, they walk across the street for safety reasons, especially at night.

Why do I bring that up? Because I guess I'm a rare breed of guy who can deal with many female friends, many male friends, and not try to fuck any of them. They're friends for a reason. Some, I make my intentions known a little early on and flirt a little with them and, sometimes, I've been told they like me as a friend and so I back off. Some feel the same way and we go somewhere. Others like me and I'm the one not interested and, unlike guys, actually can remain friends! (crazy, right?!?!?!?!)

So I bring this up not to boast of my many female friends, but to say it's not as bad as it seems. It can be as fun as it is have male friends, though I find females a lot more interesting cause all the guys want to talk about are sports. It can be especially fun when you find that one friend you can flirt around with a little, but it's all in good sport and fun. It can also be fun when you find that one girl who you can actually talk about your type of stuff with, and she can teach you a little compassion and empathy (ya know, basic human emotions guys are taught to repress) along the way. And maybe, just maybe, you can get upgraded to best friend. Or, what I guess some guys are hoping, you can get upgraded to boyfriend.

So I hope the myTake helped some guys. For those who "escaped the friend-zone", don't make the #1 mistake most guys make at this point: Acting brand new.

Enjoy :).

Because I get this frequently, PM me if you have any questions about my gender cause I WILL NOT answer you in the comments.

Guys: The "Friendzone" is not even half as bad as you make it, if even real
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