Never, EVER put up with these 5 things!

Never, EVER put up with these 5 things!

Ok... I've seen way too many questions on here recently from girls who's boyfriend's are being controlling, selfish, abusive or borderline abusive pricks and the worst part is each one of these girls has wondered if SHE was doing something wrong or if SHE was overreacting / making too big a deal out of how's she is being treated.

I don't want this to be a gendered take - I don't want this to be taken as if only men are abusive and only women are victims, everything I say here can be applied to any person or any gender, but I am going to be honest about the fact that this take is in response to a trend I've noticed on here of female users being treated like garbage by their male partners and not seeming to recognize that what is going on is wrong.

So here it is, folks - here is a list of behaviours that you should never EVER put up with from your SO. This is a list of behaviours that you should leave at the very first sign of. Don't wait around to see if things get better (they won't). These are warning signs that your partner does not respect you. If your partner does any of these things you can bet your ass that as the relationship progresses, these behaviours will become worse and one day you'll look around and realize you are in an abusive relationship and wonder "how the hell did I end up here?" Don't let that happen.

If your partner does any of these things, GET OUT NOW!


Never, EVER put up with these 5 things!

There is a world of difference between giving constructive feedback on something ("I'm not sure that's the right outfit for this event", "I'm not such a fan of that dress personally", "I think you're wrong about that, have you thought about this?"), which is normal and healthy and helps us grow as people, and disrespectful, hurtful criticism ("your outfit looks fucking retarded", "you're an idiot", "what the hell is wrong with you?").

A partner who values you and cares about you will not say things to you that are intentionally hurtful. When they have a valid criticism, they'll bring it to your attention in a constructive and respectful way.

A partner who calls you stupid or ugly or tells you that your ideas are stupid or that you look like an idiot does not value you and does not respect you. This person will continue to push your boundaries as time goes on. What starts as petty meanness will end as verbal and even physical abuse if you allow it to continue.


Never, EVER put up with these 5 things!

This person does not see you as an equal partner. They do not care about your wants and needs. They see you as an object for their own pleasure that they can and should mould into whatever they want. They don't want you to have a life outside of them or to have your own hobbies or friends. They don't want you to have your own identity or to be your own person. You are THEIR possession.

They expect you to dress, act and feel the way they want you to, with no regard for whether you enjoy dressing, acting or feeling that way or not. They couldn't care less about you getting to express yourself as a person, because as far as they are concerned you are NOT a person - you're an ornament, a toy, a possession.

Any act of defiance is likely to set them off and make them angry. If you disagree with this person they will berate you, guilt trip you, make you feel like you're in the wrong for standing up for yourself. This person will always try to convince you that you are in the wrong, that their reaction is reasonable and that you're being unreasonable if you say otherwise.


Never, EVER put up with these 5 things!

This person takes no responsibility for their own emotions or reactions to the circumstances of their life. This person will always find someone or something to blame for their bitterness or anger or unhappiness and will never consider that they might be the problem. They'll get mad at you for stupid shit and never ask themselves if they might be over reacting - if you, however, get upset by how they treat you they WILL accuse you of over reacting.

Again, this person doesn't see you as a person with your own emotional needs and will always expect you to respond to everything exactly how they think you should / want you to and will always expect you to accept their moods, no matter how unreasonable they might be.


Never, EVER put up with these 5 things!

This person doesn't trust you and thinks that the moment you are left to your own devices you'll screw around with the very next person to walk by. Maybe they look through your phone or social media messages, or they immediately want to know who every guy you talk to is, or they get mad at your any time you mention a male colleague or acquaintence in conversation.

This person will slowly chip away at your feelings of self worth with their distrust. They will eventually start trying to control you and any act of defiance will be proof to them that you can't be trusted. They'll make you second guess yourself and wonder if you're being too sensitive or not being understanding enough of them. They'll make you feel like you're doing something wrong when you're not (like feeling guilty about grabbing a beer with a couple colleagues after work). When you refuse to show them your chat history or to tell them every detail of your evening they will accuse you of hiding something and use your refusal as proof that you are not trustworthy.


Never, EVER put up with these 5 things!

This person will get angry at you if you don't want to have sex or if you have a physical complication that makes sex uncomfortable or painful for you. They will expect or demand blow jobs when you're on your period or otherwise unable or unwilling to have intercourse. They will try to convince you that you have an obligation to keep them sexually satisfied.

This person doesn't just not care about what you want or need - they think of your wants and needs as an inconvenience or annoyance. They view any refusal to please them as a slight against them. They don't consider that your actions could or should be driven by anything other than their desires.

Everything you do is about THEM, not you... so when you refuse sex it couldn't possibly be because you're tired or in pain or just not in the mood - it's because you're a dumb bitch who doesn't care enough about pleasing her man.


Never, EVER put up with these 5 things!

I know this wasn't a fun take to read but I think it's important. The more people who put up with this kind of shit, the more abusers think that it's ok to treat people like this. People like the ones described above will always push the boundaries and will never reign themselves in. They'll do whatever they can get away with and they'll feel justified in doing it. Don't let these assholes into your life, and if you do accidentally let one in, cut them loose at the first sign of this kind of bullshit.


Never, EVER put up with these 5 things!
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