Women Understanding Men and Their Emotions


In days of old, men were needed to be the hunters, and the protectors. Today in 2016, not so much. We have police in our societies for protection and women are self-sufficient for the most part, and can hire people if need be. By nature, a man wants to know that he is appreciated. A woman wants a man to know she needs caring, understanding and respect. If the two parties understood this more about each other, relationships would actually work more times than not.

Women Understanding Men and Their Emotions

Men have been taught throughout time to keep emotions to themselves. "If you are sensitive, you are weak." But the opposite of that is so true. A true strength is sensing, more feeling, and interacting more. Emotions are NOT meant to be suppressed. Women need to understand that men in general reduce stress by forgetting about problems and having their alone time. Women need to understand the whole "man cave" theory. Let them be. You can silently let them know you are there, but the need this time. They go through cycles, and when they come back around, they come around stronger and more focused, even on their woman!!!! Men are goal driven by nature, they need their independence, and being alone will eventually drive the man back to his woman.

Take the time to understand one another. We are not the same. We process differently. But just because we are different, by no means is it that men are not emotional creatures. Many psychologists reject the notion that men actually experience emotions less frequently than do women. Instead, researchers have suggested that men exhibit restrictive emotionality. Restrictive emotionality refers to a tendency to inhibit the expression of certain emotions and an unwillingness to self-disclose intimate feeling.

If more women would take the time to understand more, and not be so judgmental, more relationships today could be salvaged. And it works both ways, men need to understand women too! That is a whole other story....................

Women Understanding Men and Their Emotions
Women Understanding Men and Their Emotions
13 Opinion