4 Benefits of Getting Your Heart Broken


Though I’m in no way saying that having your heart broken is a pleasant experience, I do think that going through it at least once would be quite beneficial for most.

Not to worry, I’m not twisted and saying that simply because I derive pleasure from the misfortune of other’s (…which is not the case). I say that because, from my own experiences as well as what I’ve seen following break-ups that friends have gone through, there really is a pretty big silver lining to all the tears and feelings of life no longer having any meaning.

1. You can see who will really be there through thick and thin.

Following a break-up, most people are generally left feeling 'forever alone'. Not just in respect to the relationship that just ended, but socially as well. With your significant other no longer being around and you guys kind of coming as a 'packaged deal', where 'time for friends' starts to apply to simply running into them by chance on campus/work and whatnot or hanging out just a handful of times/month, you’ll come to see who really has your back. You’ll be all the more wiser as to which of your friends were hanging around purely when convenient for them, and which ones genuinely cared about your well-being. Who didn't view your friendship as them having a complete monopoly over your time and absolutely amazing sense of humour/wingman skills, but were fully understanding about how they'll get the short end of the stick when a significant-other comes along for you, and will continue to be understanding about how much you'll need them if and when that falls apart.

4 Benefits of Getting Your Heart Broken

2. ‘The One’… Come again?

You’ll come to see that the existence of ‘the one’ is more situational than something pre-determined. Though you may very well go through a period of thinking you’ll be forever alone and never find someone as good as they were. Once that passes, though, it’ll be clear as day to you that who you’re with doesn’t necessarily have to fit this prototype of your ‘ideal partner’ to a t. That, in reality, how well you vibe and can put up with large amounts of time spent with the same person depends much more on things like how each of you handle periods of stress and arguments, times when things aren’t peachy keen and rose-tinted. That love and being with the ‘right one’ goes deeper than whether or not they had really nice eyes, like the ones you always dreamed of in your dream man, etc..

4 Benefits of Getting Your Heart Broken

3. You become all the more wiser

The sweet side of dealing with a broken heart is the start of hindsight 20/20. When you can look back on the duration of the relationship and in retrospect, give yourself a couple smacks on the head for having ignored all the red-flags. When you’ll see that him regularly spending time with that notoriously flirtatious girl and saying he had purely platonic intentions was all a big fat lie. That with the ability to now be on the outside looking in, you can see that you’re not really missing out on much.

Not only that, but you'll also be able to increase your 'skill-set' at catching these red-flags as they happen versus after the fact.

4 Benefits of Getting Your Heart Broken

4. You learn to love.

Cliché af, I know. But it really is true.

Unfortunately, some lessons have to learned the hard way. Once your heart has recovered, for the most-part, though, you’ll be all the better prepared for any future relationships. You’ll have gained patience beyond your years after having had to put up with behaviour that was unacceptable for far too long. You’ll be better able to catch the red flags sooner, rather than after the fact. Able to find it easier in terms of reading your partner’s body language and reactions to help you better gauge how they truly feel about certain issues that perhaps don’t sit well with them.

4 Benefits of Getting Your Heart Broken

So, in a nutshell, there's more to a #breakup than just drama, tears, and feeling completely disoriented afterwards. From my own personal experience, I feel like there's a lot of good that comes from them. A lot of good in terms of your learning how to better navigate any relationships you may be in in the future, as well as a way through which you can make a lot of personal growth. Develop for the better, be it becoming more patient, better able to really put yourself in the other person's shoes and resolve conflicts before they've really gotten a chance to escalate, etc..

4 Benefits of Getting Your Heart Broken
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