Quit With The Stupidity! You're The One At Fault.


You Are What You Attract.

Quit With The Stupidity! You're The One At Fault.

Look, If you're the kinda man or woman that is always complaining about the opposite gender you are involved in relationships with being no good, unsupportive, trashy, loud, argumative etc.

Than look no further than yourself. There's something about you. (Yes, You!) Whether you admit it or not. You need to check your character and what you value as a person. There's a reason you keeping hooking up with jerks or trashy women.

Let me simplify it for you in the easiest way possible why it happens. Because you like it! You value it. You find it attractive. In the essence of your core as a person you are exactly just like the person you are attracted too. You yourself like drama, you're a pretender yourself, you have a bad attitude, you're dishonest, you're controlling, you're full of ego, pride and selfish, but just detest to be givin a taste of your own medicine. So quit being a hypocrite in dishing out to others what you hate receiving from others.

We The Jury Have Found The Defendant Guilty!
Quit With The Stupidity! You're The One At Fault.

Ok, I know that you're probably pissed off at me from for exposing your garbage character and digging up past relationships failure wounds of the previous stanza. But truth be told you are the common denominator! You are the one that constantly bounce from woman to woman and man to man. Something is wrong with you.

Start becoming better a person in terms of being honest, humble, kind, nice attidude, respectful. Value such things as those and practice them and I can almost guarantee that you will attract other men and women that posses those beautiful and admirable qualities.


Be honest up front when you are interested in dating somone. Quit putting up a facade and lying your butt off. Tell them what you desire in them and what are your expections. Be honest and open about your flaws. They have flaws too. Because if you keep pretending and playing games, it shows at some point in the relationship. So better to be honest from the beginning to spare the surprise headaches and heartaches in the end.

Quit With The Stupidity! You're The One At Fault.
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