Do Not Take Your Relationship For Granted

Do Not Take Your Relationship For Granted

"Oh, you are getting married! Now you are chained forever!", "You are messing up man!", "Now you are getting into trouble!"

I'm sick of hearing things like these at a wedding. These people who make such cynical remarks are usually married, and they have a desire to joke around and pull someones leg. Little do they know, the bride and groom could not care less about these sayings and most likely hate that you say it to them.

I guess at a certain moment in your marriage or relationship you become dull enough to say such rude remarks towards another person that is waiting to begin a wonderful journey. Do you realize you are a stain in their carpet by saying such things?

Once The Two of You Get Familiar, The Downfall Begins

Familiarity is what daunts a couple in their romantical experience. Once they are familiar with each other, comfort sets in. Once comfort sets in, room for error increases. Being comfortable is not necessarily a bad thing, but it is once the two of you know each other like the back of your hands. It is possible you may long for adventure elsewhere, or you may have the tendency to say rude things to your lover. The fantastical elements the both of you once had are replaced with mundane ones; the fiery moments and words no longer have an effect.

Fix this by maintaining mystery, use absence occasionally, and continue to try to prove yourself to the other person. Find new ways to spark up something exciting (and I am not talking about sex. Sex is no where near as important as feelings of true joy and fantasy). Do not keep up the same behavior or same words; change it up often.

Who Knows, Life May Just Take it Away

Rather you believe in God taking away His blessings or karma, life can be very odd at times. Do you really want to take your partner for granted and leave it possible for something bad to happen between the two of you? Life may take away your lemons and make tears! The bond the two of you share is special isn't it? Then why do you spit on it so much?

Do Not Take Your Relationship For Granted

I Bet Your Partner Enjoys it

While you go off making a mockery of the subject you are indulged in, I am sure your partner sits by and loves every moment of it. Of course they don't! But let's think of it in their shoes: You see your queen, walking around talking to others. What is she saying? You overhear her saying how marriage sucks and makes fun of it. Does that make you feel good about yourself? You will feel like you fail in making your partner feel alive and excited; you don't do anything in your role (after all, relationships require two people to put in effort).

Many men may do this stuff, and mean absolutely no harm by it. But some things are not to be joked about. It's a fact that women pay more attention to detail, and if your woman overhears you saying such "jokes" I can guarantee she will not like it. You may not see it, but under her skin she could be going through a lot of different emotions because of it. After awhile, you may even perceive such jokes as self-hatred and mockeries to that person's own love life.

Do Not Take Your Relationship For Granted
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