Common Reasons Why Couples Argue!


No couple wants to argue but especiall because of our genetics, we can't have a week without arguing. This time may change according to couples. If you can't control your instincts, you can harm your relationship.

Why couples argue?

Common Reasons Why Couples Argue!

Common Reasons Why Couples Argue!
Common Reasons Why Couples Argue!

Sometimes guys may not have enough time for their partner because of their work or family. In this case, girls will never be silent.

Another reason is jealousy. Being jealous of your partner will lead to arguments.

Lies are the number one reason of arguments. They can even end up with break up. That's why you should never lie. Tell the brutual truth all the time.

Couples butt in many things. Like where you go, when you will come back, what you will wear etc. This list just goes on. You may stay silent and do whatever your partner says. But after some time you won't let them butt in your life. Once you do that, arguments will start. Your partner will say that you have changed a lot. You must know your limit. You mustn't put your nose into everything. Know your line.

If you don't like something, don't do it to your partner. Lİke if you don't like to be controlled then don't control your partner. You already know how bad it feels.

Be respectful to your partner, their friends and family. Don't talk bad about them. Nobody lets someone talk bad about their loved ones.

Common Reasons Why Couples Argue!
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