Top 5 Reasons Why You're Single (Part 2)


After all the misunderstanding and hostility,

Here are the 5 other reasons (5+5= 10) why you are still single:

1. You fear being “Tied Down”.

Top 5 Reasons Why You're Single (Part 2)

It's normal you love having time to yourself and think that if you settle down you'll loose it. It can be scary knowing that you'll have to give a lot of your time to an other person. And you might not be ready for that.

2. You’re still in love with your ex.

Top 5 Reasons Why You're Single (Part 2)

You're still seeing him or still dreaming about him, that ex yours is taking all the chances you have of dating someone new. Let them go (I know it's easier said then done) and start over again. You didn't break up with them for no reason, it's not worth getting your heart broken twice.

3. You’re weird on dates.

Top 5 Reasons Why You're Single (Part 2)

You get stressed, you get weird... That's that.

4. You’re way too clingy.

Top 5 Reasons Why You're Single (Part 2)

If your significant other wants to go out with their friends, or spend the afternoon alone, let them. Don’t call and text 100 times, spending time apart is normal and healthy. If you're too clingy they'll feel suffocated. Let them breathe a little.

5. Negativity is your middle name.

Top 5 Reasons Why You're Single (Part 2)

No one likes having a Debby Downer around them. Try complaining a little (as much as possible) less stay on the brighter side of things.

It wasn't false advertisement after all. I do know what a Top 10 is (thanks for the clarification though). It's my opinion it isn't proven that it's true. If you don't agree, get over it :)

Top 5 Reasons Why You're Single (Part 2)
16 Opinion