I hate women. I typed this out for something else, had it removed by reddit mods, and feel it would be a waste if I didn't post it somewhere.

I hate women. I typed this out for something else, had it removed by reddit mods, and feel it would be a waste if I didn't post it somewhere.

There's a part of me that hates women and has hated them for years. To me, it's a very natural thing. I have never been liked by women in the same way as other men. Not because "they're assholes and girls like assholes". I'm not a "niceguy", but I have had a lot of my opinions on women and their psychology come from /r9k/ for a few years(although I really haven't participated in that forum since about 2016). In all frankness, I just think I'm inferior to other men, and since I don't want to try to learn from them, I don't have a real right to complain -- just to hate, I don't understand how I can feel anything besides resentment for my rejectors. I haven't tried approaching a girl in a few years, it's not worth the damage it would do to my ego. I'm too much of an envious loser to want to be around the winning team(women, who I see as people who get what they want). I've talked to people about this, and many of them think I'm hurting myself with this mentality("DanoMR98, you're only 19, you're too young to hate women like this -- this is the time when you're supposed to want to learn to love women." blah blah etc), but I don't feel like I want to change that much. Sulking and hating requires no vulnerability.

A few months ago, it was totally a fluke, I found a girl who actually thought I was attractive and interesting. I was seeing her for about two months, and we had to break it off(no malice on either side, it was a matter of circumstance). As I was seeing her, I started to learn to like things about her, and I didn't really hate women as much at the time. I don't hate her. This is the only time in my whole life I've ever been desirable or anything like that apparently. I don't understand really why she even liked me, because there are plenty of other guys at our university that are bigger, taller, smarter, stronger, faster, hotter, more interesting, more active, more social, high EQ, high IQ, better career prospects, the list goes on. I would think all the time "why is she wasting her time here with me, she could easily find a man who is an objectively better choice than me, if I were a girl, I would just choose one of them."

But now my ideology is ruined. I don't feel right hating women the same way I did now that I met her. Now that there's an exception to the rules, I don't feel like what I think or feel makes much sense. Now it just makes me feel uncomfortable and I just want to go back to feeling secure in my disdain for womankind. I never really felt "redpill rage" just "redpill defeat and disappointment". Now I'm thinking I'm going to re-experience that.

MRA’s think girls don’t love them. But I think that it’s really that they don’t love us.
Jeez, I just have a hard time thinking about this now, but I used to be able to easily answer "You're wrong, girls don't love us" or maybe "Women don't actually love, so it's only reciprocation to feel coldly about them". Now I just feel cognitive dissonance.

I hate women. I typed this out for something else, had it removed by reddit mods, and feel it would be a waste if I didn't post it somewhere.
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