The Friend Zone, Nice Guys, & Incels: Why the First Two Don't Exist & Why Incels are Trash

The Friend Zone, Nice Guys, & Incels: Why the First Two Don't Exist & Why Incels are Trash

Coming from somebody who is a 26 year old virgin, never dated or kissed a girl/woman, I do understand the embarrassment that these so called groups feel. But besides the fact that the first two things in the title technically don't exist, I do emphasize a little. I've done some soul searching & self reflection in regards due to some recent traumatic events & I've come to a few conclusions.

1: Nobody in this worlds owes you anything, no reciprocation of feelings or interest & especially not sex.

2: Nice guys are not truly nice guys, never have been, or ever will be.

I can say this because I used to be one. The same ones who complain about "assholes" who get the girl, are no better themselves. They only go after girls/women they find hot, instead of personality, mutual hobbies/interests, & bringing something of value to the table. If you have nothing to bring to the table, then work on it. Work on bettering yourself that is what I am trying to do & will not enter or try to enter a relationship, until I do, just that.

It is for this, that I believe these Incels are even worse than what I already believed about them. They are hopeless, as they are doing nothing to make their lives better & are in complete denial. I'm not perfect, nobody is. But if you are any of these kind of people, or complain about being in the friend zone & really believe it, you are human garbage, you are not worthy of another human being's affection.

I once was like this, I once wanted everyone's pity, but I'm growing as a person & you should try to as well. This goes to both genders as I've heard both do the same thing. Learn to love yourself & better yourself instead of blaming others.

The Friend Zone, Nice Guys, & Incels: Why the First Two Don't Exist & Why Incels are Trash
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