How To Know If You Are In A Toxic Relationship

When you feel more alone than when you were single...
When you feel more alone than when you were single...

How many times can you accept the same apology?

What is a Toxic Relationship?

A toxic relationship contaminates your self-esteem, your happiness and the way you see the world.

Toxic relationships can come in all shapes and sizes.

It can happen to men and women and sometimes are easy to identify – you recognize the signs and end it. Other times, a toxic relationship can take years and before you know it, you are trapped in a situation that's harmful to your physical and mental health.

You may even think that such relationship would never happen to you – that you would immediately know what was wrong and end things.

It is not always so simple.

However there are always red flags...

Run, Forest, RUN!
Run, Forest, RUN!

- Red Flags -

*** You can not have a healthy conversation because your opinion is not heard, considered and respected. Instead of recognizing your feelings, they fight you until the end.

How To Know If You Are In A Toxic Relationship

*** They suspect you all the time or get jealous of your friends. This is one of the greatest signs of a toxic relationship: feeling guilty all the time.

You feel you need to apologize and prove your innocence even if you haven't done anything wrong.

If your partner doesn't trust you, there won't be a future.
If your partner doesn't trust you, there won't be a future.

*** When you spend a lot of time together, you feel anxious and willing to leave because at any moment, a fight can start between you two.

That's probably a big red flag.

Someone you love must be a person you want to spend some time with, someone you can trust, not someone you're afraid to talk to.

*** Your partner may also have a habit of threatening to break up with you when things get tense or difficult. This may seem like a cruel game.

Whenever they are not satisfied or have a problem, they threaten to end the whole relationship, knowing that you will beg them not to.

Don't ask people why they hurt you. Ask yourself why you allow it.
Don't ask people why they hurt you. Ask yourself why you allow it.

*** They insult you or "it's all your fault".
If you start a relationship, set up rules for yourself, such as never insult your partner and never allow yourself to be insulted by them.

If they get past that line, take action. This is one of the great signs that you are in a toxic relationship:

When you are constantly being disrespected. This is verbal abuse and you should not accept it.

*** They can also blame you for all their insecurities and they are incapable of apologizing.

If people treat you like they don't care, BELIEVE THEM!
If people treat you like they don't care, BELIEVE THEM!

Is it worth it?

Relationships should not be a constant struggle. It is important to make sacrifices in relationships, but your happiness, self-esteem and respect for yourself should always be on the list – ALWAYS!

When you're with someone who suffocates these precious parts of you, be aware of the damage they are causing.

You don't owe them anything and you don't deserve to be in a toxic relationship.

GAME OVER! Thanks for playing!
GAME OVER! Thanks for playing!

You deserve to be happy!



How To Know If You Are In A Toxic Relationship
Post Opinion