Long Distance Relationships: What You Have to Know

Hey everyone! It's my first MyTake so I hope you'll all enjoy it.

Being myself in a long distance relationship (I'll just call it a ldr), my boyfriend (who's not on the gag app) and I are going to share some things with you.

Long Distance Relationships: What You Have to Know


Because saying a ldr is all great and pink would be a lie...

1) No physical interactions: it sounds pretty obvious but no hugs, no kisses and everything else. It can be very hard at times!

2) Wifi struggle: It's not the case for everyone who's in a ldr but sometimes, without wifi, no talking.

Long Distance Relationships: What You Have to Know

3) Lack of communication: not saying your SO when you're upset can lead to a failed relationship.

4) Limited gift ideas: if, like in my case, you SO doesn't receive your parcels, you have to be extremely creative (because you can't send a video montage for every birthday/anniversary).

5) Risky relationship: If your SO is hundred miles away from you, he/she can easily hides things from you. That's a risk to take though...

6) Sadness: a ldr will bring a lot of sad moments when you will miss your SO... a lot.


Yes, it also has advantages, I promise!

1) Com-mu-ni-ca-tion: Again ! Because in a ldr, you can't just invite your SO and stay on the couch watching movies the whole day. So in order to work, a ldr is a lot (lot lot lot) of talking. Which means it's a great way to know each other better and faster than no-long-distance-couples.

2) The meeting is amazing: waiting a few months (or even years!) to meet your SO? It sounds terrible but when you finally meet each other, it's a moment of pure happiness and emotions (if you don't believe me, check some videos of long distance couples meeting for the first time. There are many on youtube! Here's one:)

3) Less chances of break up: if you succeeded to go through hard times, far away from your SO, the chances of break up once you're finally together are lower since you went through a tough test. (Though there are couples who realize they can't live together but... anyway).

4) More economical (my boyfriend's idea :')): Of course, a ldr doesn't need as much restaurant/cinema/any other date than a normal relationship. (he's also reminding you that there are less chances of pregnancy :') I love him :'))

5) Almost being single: I put that in the advantages because you have a lot of advantages that single people have, and still are in a relationship. For instance, you have more time for yourself. And you have your own space (guys: your girlfriend isn't here to complain about all dirty socks in the bedroom. Girls: your boyfriend won't complain if you paint your nails with the window closed!)

6) Small attentions feel like great presents: receiving even just a letter might feel like a diamond ring.

For a better/funnier ldr:

With time and experience, you find out that a ldr isn't as limited as you think. Here are some things you can do:

1) Games: common but fun. Many phone games can be played with friends all over the world, hence with your SO as well.

2) Doing things together: for instance sleeping, watching a movie or having a romantic meal. Just use Skype or any video calling app and you can sleep with your SO, eat with him/her or even watch a movie (even though it's harder because you have to put the movie on a laptop/TV and place the camera of your phone towards the movie. It might be a bit complicated.)

3) Ldr apps: there are tons of apps for ldr or even just couples. I'll give you my favorites:

- Couple: it's a great, great app with many fun features. It's very customizable as well. Some features I like are live sketch: you can draw in live with your SO!

- Thumbkiss: if you both touch the screen at the same place for a few seconds, your phone will vibrate.

Long Distance Relationships: What You Have to Know

- Happy couple: it's a fun app which asks questions about you and your partner. The purpose is to see if you know your SO as much as you think ;p

Long Distance Relationships: What You Have to Know

In conclusion, ldr do have a lot of disadvantages for sure, but they're also full of great moments!

That's it for this MyTake, I hope you enjoye it and found it useful!

Long Distance Relationships: What You Have to Know
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