Guys and Girls Don't Understand Each Other

Similar to what a certain Mr Efron said:

Hope you don't mind me using the video man, I just loved it so much <3

I wish girls would understand guys better and see why we rarely approach them, this isn't having a dig at girls and I'm not trying to make you seem like the enemy or like the bad one in this situation, not at all.

I'm just trying to help you understand WHY and that for the majority of us, it takes a lot of bravery just to approach you, let alone have a full conversation.

And like this guy states, to the girls who say that they only see players, well that's because they are the ones who are comfortable talking with every girl they find attractive so of course they will be constantly on the move, you have to look for the ones who find it difficult to talk to you, not the ones who are running up to you and every other girl in the area.

Guess the anime, jokes, it's Kimi ni todoke <3
Guess the anime, jokes, it's Kimi ni todoke <3

Now, I know this will seem like I am being a bit mean to the girls and I want to make it obvious that I do notice that they also put in effort to the relationship side of things but here are just some that guys do that I feel girls brush off even though it takes the majority of us a lot of bravery to do these:

Approach you

I understand you probably think this is nothing as we are casual with other guys but if we are attracted to you then it is actually certainly more often than not, scary or uncomfortable to approach you and if we do then we are likely to overthink stuff and be very self-conscious of how we come across.

Make conversation

A lot of the time we will be already very uncomfortable just by being that close to you so continuing on to think of conversation material will often result in us saying really awkward stuff like how the weather is and other things you would never of said when you wanted to ask how you were and that you noticed she did something with her hair or that she looks really pretty in the dress she chose to wear today.

Get along with your friends

A lot of the time this has nothing to do with us not wanting to be their friends but rather we are afraid that we will leave a bad impression and make them tell you to avoid the guy so we will get nervous about that thus resulting in us avoiding your friends or at the most having really brief interaction with them.


I know this one seems really "Natural" for guys but actually, knowing or thinking up something we believe you will like is actually difficult believe it or not and although when we flirt we may sound confident, most the time we are internally screaming and regretting everything we said and worried how you will react.

Making the first move

Now, respect to any guy who has got this far before and I hope it went well.

For a guy, this is PROBABLY THE or close to being the scariest thing for him to do because all his love and feelings depend on your response so of course he will be scared.

So next time if a guy confesses to you DO NOT USE THE "You're a nice guy but" card, we only link that with rejection and you trying to avoid us, please elaborate more, please say things like what you like about us and what it is that means we couldn't be together as well as saying you want to stay in contact, it is crushing for a guy if we worked hard to build a friendship then confess only to then have you avoid us after.

I know this doesn't apply to every guy so don't spam my comment section saying that guys in your area aren't like this, this post is for the guys who are brushed away and not noticed when we are trying our hardest, not for the ones who go about dating lots of people yearly or even monthly.

My little monster or Tonari no Kaibutsu-kun
My little monster or Tonari no Kaibutsu-kun

And remember, this is not a hate post on girls, it's to help them further understand us okay?

Okay <3

Welp, I think that's about everything so take care and stay sweet peeps!

Oh and also, I changed my signature ;)


Guys and Girls Don't Understand Each Other
Post Opinion