Times Where Girls Can Control A Little Bit Too Much: Lollipop Chainsaw Edition


Times Where Girls Can Control A Little Bit Too Much: Lollipop Chainsaw Edition

This is themed with Lollipop Chainsaw based on a friend requesting something with Lollipop Chainsaw

Do one based on someone/something cool, I don't know. Cool video games
(Doki Doki Lit Club, Lollipop Chainsaw)

but also with the idea of Nick being strapped to her waist the entire game. So I thought what a perfect time to talk about things girls can control in a relationship a little too much so lets get started and this is NOT A TOP FIVE JUST NUMBERED

1. Changing up the way the house looks without realistically involving a guys opinion

The video clip involves "Leonard lets Penny decorate Sheldon’s old room after he learns that she has been secretly moving Leonard’s collectibles into storage"

Times Where Girls Can Control A Little Bit Too Much: Lollipop Chainsaw Edition
Times Where Girls Can Control A Little Bit Too Much: Lollipop Chainsaw Edition

If a guy has stuff still in his bachelor pad, yeah a lot of it has to go but can you not allow a couple of special things to remain or at least work through decorating together? I think we have reached a place where having something fun in a side area somewhere like a pinball machine in the main house could be fun for guests and a fun side piece to see. Maybe not in the past but with modern times I feel like it could be more accepted or maybe having records or a nice bordered movie poster on the wall. and I am totally claiming stuff from your bachelorette pad too! Bring out some stuffed animals or unicorns! A house does not have to completely conform to everyone's tastes, it is you and your so's. But it should be a must for you together furniture shopping and selecting paint for the walls. and it can't be, you get whatever you want, you should both equally pick them out and please disagree with each other, if you don't disagree then you can't find one you both agree on. Make it be a real joint decision.

Times Where Girls Can Control A Little Bit Too Much: Lollipop Chainsaw Edition

2. Changing a guys clothing style

Times Where Girls Can Control A Little Bit Too Much: Lollipop Chainsaw Edition
Times Where Girls Can Control A Little Bit Too Much: Lollipop Chainsaw Edition
Times Where Girls Can Control A Little Bit Too Much: Lollipop Chainsaw Edition
Times Where Girls Can Control A Little Bit Too Much: Lollipop Chainsaw Edition

Now don't get me wrong, I value a girls opinion but I don't want her to repick out my entire wardrobe. I want there to be a respect for the things in my closet. Yeah I don't have to keep everything but can I please still wear graphic t-shirts and blue jeans every once in a while :) and the same goes for what she wears too, mutual respect, her style is her style too :)

3. Getting rid of unattractive hobbies or interests

Times Where Girls Can Control A Little Bit Too Much: Lollipop Chainsaw Edition
Times Where Girls Can Control A Little Bit Too Much: Lollipop Chainsaw Edition
Times Where Girls Can Control A Little Bit Too Much: Lollipop Chainsaw Edition

The idea here is if a guy likes playing video games is immature and their should be respect for each others hobbies and interests and if does not clash maybe consider having a game system in the living room. Maybe hide it in a cabinet but let your SO play games maybe even try enjoying a couple with them. But don't expect them to completely conform to what you like, it is important to share your hobbies and interests with each other and share your time doing what you both like with each other. If you like watching romantic movies a guy should watch those with you too. It is all about sharing and respecting each others hobbies and interests

4. Forcing a preferred version of diet and exercise

Times Where Girls Can Control A Little Bit Too Much: Lollipop Chainsaw Edition
Times Where Girls Can Control A Little Bit Too Much: Lollipop Chainsaw Edition
Times Where Girls Can Control A Little Bit Too Much: Lollipop Chainsaw Edition

I get it, at a certain age diet and exercise is a must but even still, both people should want to do it, together or consider doing different diet options. It should jointly be discussed instead of having it forced on them. "I am doing this (and suffering ) so we are doing this together!" Just discuss it with each other first maybe you can both try separate diets or try something you can both agree with. Dieting is tough to begin with, why have to fight with an SO on top of it?

Times Where Girls Can Control A Little Bit Too Much: Lollipop Chainsaw Edition

5. Staying with one family and avoiding the other

Times Where Girls Can Control A Little Bit Too Much: Lollipop Chainsaw Edition
Times Where Girls Can Control A Little Bit Too Much: Lollipop Chainsaw Edition

While in-laws have a bad rap, it still does not mean avoid them all together and make your SO stay with your in-laws. Time should be shared with each family and time should be given for the both of you to be alone too. Having one family member checking in on you all the time can be a little intrusive after a while. There needs to be a good balance and hopefully you will have a good time with your in-laws anyway :)

Times Where Girls Can Control A Little Bit Too Much: Lollipop Chainsaw Edition

Thanks for reading! I tried to make it even between couples and hopefully it came off that way :) have a good weekend!

Times Where Girls Can Control A Little Bit Too Much: Lollipop Chainsaw Edition
Times Where Girls Can Control A Little Bit Too Much: Lollipop Chainsaw Edition
11 Opinion