Guys and Gals need to chill the f down

Why we can't get along
Why we can't get along

"men only want sex", "women just want men for money", "men only think with their dicks", "women want men as emotional tampoons"

Why everytime a man and a woman meet they both have some secret agenda?

Guys, why you push so hard for sex with a girl you know nothing about? Even if you just want something casual (nothing wrong with that) you should make sure you're both going to enjoy it first. Imagine you meet a girl and she acts and talks like a guy and she's like "yeah let's go fuck or whatever", she gets you off as fast as possible, downs a beer, burps loudly and says "I got to go to work now, was nice meeting you I guess". You wouldn't enjoy it much would you? Not only was she not feminine, she also acted like she didn't really want to do it. You must stop meeting women for scraps of bad sex. Instead, meet women because women are cute. Make them blush and giggle, make them feel feminine. It's a great feeling hugging a feminine happy girl, even if there's no sex. But sex will happen if you don't push for it and just enjoy the process

Girls, why you push so hard for a relationship with a guy you have no bond with? Can't you see it would be an unhappy relationship? Imagine you married the man of your dreams, but he doesn't really love you. He feels trapped and would rather be with other women. You wouldn't like a relationship like that, would you? You wouldn't want to be with a guy who is forced to be with you. You must stop trying to force guys into a relationship, if he doesn't want to stay it would be a bad relationship anyway. Instead just enjoy his company and his body. There's no reason to hold back sex, it's a way of forcing a relationship and it won't make him like you more. But if he likes being with you and having sex with you then there's no reason for him to leave and you will have a healthy relationship. Instead of forcing him into it make him want it, that's the only way

Guys and Gals need to chill the f down
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