The utter incompetence with which many people view relationships.


This shouldn't take too long.

Regarding dating/relationships, how many times have we heard or seen the phrase, "If he/she really loves you or likes you, then he/she will do XYZ."

We all have seen this mentality before. You yourself may even have fallen victim to it at some point. But this ^ mentality of "well, if this person truly likes me, then they should do X, or accept Y or Z" is not only idiotic-- it's poisonous. It's poisonous because it spreads easily, as most simple-minded ideas do.

It needs to be said unfortunately that this mentality is seen from females more frequently than it is from males. Females (including many on this very site) will ask a question in the vein of, "I don't want to have sex yet and want to make my boyfriend wait. Will he still like me?"

...facepalm at the sheer level of stupid
...facepalm at the sheer level of stupid

Sis.... Gal... Lady. It does not matter if he likes you any more or not-- you have chosen to make a decision and now you have to live with the results. If you are more concerned about not having sex for whatever reason than you are about him liking you, then okay, don't have sex. But he's under no obligation to like you any more. Likewise, if you know that he wants to fuck you, and you do want to make sure to satisfy him because you want him to like you, then okay, do that.

Relationships are both give and take, both ways. They are not one-way streets. If you choose to do nothing but take take take, without giving (even when occasionally you may not want to), the other person is not obligated to like you any more. Duh.

Note: The example above about sex is just one example; there are many examples available of "I don't want to do Thing X even though I know it's important to my partner; shouldn't my partner just magically continue to like me as much as I demand them to, even though they aren't getting something that's important to them?" It doesn't matter what Thing X is... It can be cleaning the house on a semi-regular basis, going on a vacation you may not really be looking forward to very much, eating food occasionally that you don't like but that they do like, going shopping every once in a while, etc. Or having sex.

Your partner/crush/love interest is allowed to have the things that are important to them be important to them, obviously. If they are not important to you, that is also allowed, obviously.

But don't expect this person, whoever they are, to change in order to suit you, since they are under no obligation to do so. If you refuse to change, then why the hell should they change? That isn't logical. People should be changing--- if at all--- *TOGETHER.* It's not just "I refuse to, and by the way, can you change please? Thanks." That is the mentality many people bring to dating and relationships, and it's toxic. It especially seems to happen a lot with the example I already gave-- females and sex, with guys wanting it more. But again, that is just one example. If you are not bringing anything to the table, the other person doesn't owe you anything. Stop whining about it and posting about it all the time. You sound ridiculous.

The utter incompetence with which many people view relationships.

Thanks. Hugs and kisses.

The utter incompetence with which many people view relationships.
13 Opinion