This is what ruins your Relationship


Let's make this clear


I have been there myself ages ago, I know a lot of people of different ages that went through this, so this is NORMAL, everyone goes through this, and many of us don't even notice it ...

Our Relationship will crumble down if we don't fix this !!!

When you feel like your relationship is in a down spiral because you are being needy and clingy, take immediate action, trust me, many people can't stand a needy partner it's one of many reasons that causes break-ups even divorces.

This is what ruins your Relationship

While your intentions may be entirely good, being too clingy is anything but that.

Definition: When someone is clingy, it means that they become very attached or too attached to people and depend on them too much. They just want them close ALL THE TIME.

This is what ruins your Relationship

Yes, you may enjoy spending time with your partner, but it's imperative and crucial to have some boundaries in place.

There are some simple steps that you might want to try, they helped me and many others to go from clingy to self-sufficient, and they most certainly had a huge impact in relationships that had this problem for one or the other partner.


TEXTING AND CALLING !!! Stop this, immediately. Yes I know you want to make sure he is "ALRIGHT", or you want to get showered by attention and sweet nothings that come from your partner, you want to send your partner a picture to impress and all that... BUT STOP IT, especially if you do ti constantly.

This is what ruins your Relationship

You are distracting and annoying them, give them the opportunity to miss you virtually, if you keep texting or calling them, they just don't have that mental space to miss you because you already ruined it...

If you find yourself in this situation, focus, distract yourself, switch it up and text a friend or find a different outlet for your focus, download a new game, go for a walk, meditate, meet your friends, take some selfies (but don't send them to your partner) and post them on your social media ...


Make space for your personal passions and pursuit a priority, strive to have your own life away from your partner. It's not just healthy for the relationship but it's even healthier for YOU.

Gym, Book club, piano lessons, cooking shows, youtube How-to's and so on, there is so much this world offers, and it will help you become less needy.

This is what ruins your Relationship

You don't need to spend every moment with your partner, again, create that space to be MISSED, find your own areas of interest as long as that area is not your PARTNER ( lol ).


You may not like your partner doing things without you. Wether it's having dinner with friends, going out to a bar or cinema... clingy people in relationship have a hard time with the fact that their partner has a life away from them...

This is what ruins your Relationship

Your partner has every right to live, stop suffocating them, trust me, it's vitally important to the health and success of your relationship that your partner is able to do and enjoy things without you.

You are a couple, and not a CLONE of your partner, so you should support your partners endeavors and desire do watch a sports game with friends or have a girls night....

This exact way, will show your partner that you care about their needs, and that you're very secure in the relationship, and that you place a priority on their happiness, even if it doesn't always include you. Your partner will appreciate it, and that means you're one step closer to a stable and healthier relationship.


Many people are clingy and needy because they're jealous or constantly worried about their partner's loyalty or possible infidelity. This means you just don't trust your partner, so you want to hang out with him or her 24/7.

This is what ruins your Relationship

Trust me, being mistrusting is only going to push the two of you further apart. A healthy and stable Relationship is based on mutual trust, your clingy nature is showing your partner that you don't believe or have faith in him or her or in the strength of your connection.

This is one of the hardest parts to control for many people, but once you're less clingy you will be more relaxed mentally, and your relationsip is far more likely to succeed, it takes a lot of dedication though.

This is what ruins your Relationship

Self - Esteem

It's time to recognize that you're able to accomplish things on your own. Being clingy sometimes is a stem from a misconception that you need others around at all times for help and support.

You'll soon recognize that you're able to have achievements on your own, and you will recognize that it's okay to spend time alone and do things without relying on others.

Simply learn to become your own best friend, lover, support system and so on. This way you will feel much more fortified and self - assured in any situation.

This is what ruins your Relationship

Trust me, sometimes it's enjoyable to have moments by yourself, i give myself plenty of me-time to complete tasks and projects on my own, or write a MyTake for example lol, or just simply relish the freedom of solitude and the opportunities for introspection, creativity, tranuility and so on.

I think in order to fix your relationship you first have to start from yourself, and you'll realize that you will flourish together with your relationship.

This is what ruins your Relationship

This won't have immediate results, Rome wasn't build in a day so take your time, try to focus and cherish every moment that you spend with yourself, respect your relationship and its boundaries.

Good luck


This is what ruins your Relationship
43 Opinion