5 Horrible Things That Happen In Relationships


All of these piss people off:

A person cheating on their own partner

No one wants to be cheated on. It gives people a horrible feeling. Even if they are not the ones being cheated on, they don't like people who cheat on others.

5 Horrible Things That Happen In Relationships

A person withholding sex from their partner

This is when a partner withholds sex and uses it as a weapon. They don't withhold sex because they are not in the mood. It's a form of emotional abuse. This is the only one I'm guilty of doing. I was so upset that I withheld sex couple times...I'm just that sensitive.

5 Horrible Things That Happen In Relationships

A person ruining a couple's relationship

This is when a person tries to break up a couple. They break up relationships for whatever reason; it could be because they don't like seeing them together or they think it's funny to break them up. For example, in high school, this one girl tried to spread rumors in order to break up a couple.

5 Horrible Things That Happen In Relationships

A person trying to steal someone else's partner

No one likes the idea of someone trying to seduce their partner. No one likes home-wreckers. No one likes a person who can't respect someone else's relationship.

5 Horrible Things That Happen In Relationships

A person abusing their partner

This is intimate partner violence. It can be emotional, physical, financial or etc. abuse. It's when a person makes their partner feel distressed and miserable; there are more women than men who get abused but abuse against men does happen. It's a serious problem that leads people to shelters. Never allow yourself to be abused by anyone; be with someone who doesn't make you feel like crap.

5 Horrible Things That Happen In Relationships
5 Horrible Things That Happen In Relationships
4 Opinion