To My Unhappily Single Mates ❤️

To My Unhappily Single Mates ❤️

Things People Ignore While Desperately Wanting A Romantic Relationship :

To the unhappily single people out there, here.

(1) your insecurities are amplified :
Unless you've received education from same sex school where it's a norm to compare yourself with somebody who 100x better than you, Mr or Miss Popular, you haven't seen the ugly head of insecurities, everything that's wrong with your body. I don't mean to body shame here.

Especially if your issues are unresolved. Your boyfriend might say he likes your small boobs and then stare at every woman twice your size... Just an example. And now you're unhappy.

(2) after honeymoon it gets tougher

Forget the cute pics. It's mostly heated arguments, over thinking and relationships challenges once you get past the "talk and sex", initial phase.

(3) they demand time :

Very time consuming. And many couples I've seen yearn to do stuff together, which isn't as cute as it sounds because even twins have their differences.

(4) you tend to have less time for friends :

I know its not true for ever couple, but most of them tend to alienate friends, existing in their own " cute relationship bubble " with friends who are also dating... A wall is erected. You can't help wanting to spend more time with your girlfriend, than your guy mates.

(5) people always assume you'd doing something lovey-dovey :

Taken Gagsters here would confirm this. You might have just wanted to talk to your guy/girl and excused yourself and people would tease you how THEY think you guys wanna make out and more. Cause from the outside, physical intimacy is assured and enviable. Its awkward.

(6) the snooping around :

Some partners have such awry "dealbreakers" that they'd want you to isolate yourself from opposite gender... Be it your boyfriend not letting you wear something new and sexy because "he doesn't want to share the view" or your girlfriend questioning why you addressed a cute girl bestie of yours as "honey".

Jealousy is what fuels a relationship, some say. If you don't argue, you don't care, you don't care.

Bottom line, relationships are hard work. Don't get into them because its glamorized on GAG, TV shows and Facebook.

In some cases, you're better off without them.

anon1903 mini take

PS. Dear "My Boyfriend/Girlfriend" Is Better Than This — sigh, if your partner is above these, why are you reading this? Only to criticize this take right?

#anon1903 #besinglebehappy

To My Unhappily Single Mates ❤️
Post Opinion