What is love, and why are we so confused by it?

What is love, and why are we so confused by it?

Love by definition, is a feeling of deep affection in something that brought you interest and pleasure.

If you were to ask me how many times I have been in love, honestly, I would say 16 different times. Why would I say that? How is that even possible, right?

Well, that is because I have been with 18 different women in my lifetime, and I took, "a great interest and pleasure" in being with 16 of them. The other two were just terrible.

Why do we get so wrapped around the axle over this concept of love? I have probably been on 100 or more dates in my lifetime, I slept with 18 different women, and at any point in time I took a "a great interest and pleasure" in dating, talking or dinning with more than half of them. But many will say that is not true love, it's just infatuation.

They will say that infatuation is not true love, but isn't that how it always starts?

What is love, and why are we so confused by it?

Infatuation by definition is an intense but short-lived passion or admiration for someone or something.

Have you ever loved anyone you were not infatuated with? I never have.

All the women I have been romantically intimate with have generated intense passion and admiration within with in me (infatuation). They have generated deep affection and interest that brought me pleasure and affection (love), no matter how short lived.

I have often been told by women that is infatuation and not true love. But I have never been in love with someone I was not infatuated with.

There is this popular concept propitiated by society, and highly mediatized that love is forever and in fluctuation is not. This is the biggest lie ever told.

What is love, and why are we so confused by it?

I love peanut butter. When I tell someone, I love peanut butter they accept that as fact. I truly have affection for peanut butter, and it brings me pleasure. With that said I would not give any of the moments I have shared with a woman up, for peanut butter. Therefore, you could arguably say I do not truly love peanut butter.

Peanut butter on its own has never brought the same level of passion as I have experienced with a woman, no matter how short lived. I would honestly tell you that I am in love with peanut butter, but I am truly not infatuated with it.

I was married to my ex-wife for 22 years. I can say I did truly love her, and I was totally infatuated with her for decades. But love, like infatuation, is not forever. She is my ex-wife and no matter how infatuated I was with her, she like all of the other women are out my life and peanut butter is still there for me.

Peanut butter is incapable of emotion, it will never love me, but it will always be there to bring me pleasure and therefore I have a deep appreciation and admiration for it.

The point I am making, is love is all you have left once the infatuation is over, even if it was never present. Love is ever present in your life no matter how long or short lived it is. Love is what you make of it for as long as you can maintain it. Once you devalue it or dismiss it as something else... that is when it becomes fleeting.

What is love, and why are we so confused by it?
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