The Disliking of Gay Couples

The disliking of gay couples.

Seeing two couples of the same sex, at times may be a bit hard for some to digest.

They do not by any means meet what is considered to be "normal" in todays eyes.

A lot of people pass negative judgments on gay people, that are simply trying live their lives.

Amongst all of those judgments I will say one positive.

When I look at gay couples I see a symbol of
strength and courage.

The strength to face the world and the courage to come out.

If coming out of the closet is not strength and courage, then
I don't know what is.

When I look at a gay couple I applaud them.

I cannot imagine how life must be living outside of the gay community,
being tormented and challenged for every waking moment.

To say to myself, "I will be fine with who I am even
if the world is against me."

You might not agree with their lifestyle, to some they are considered an abomination.

Even though that may be true according to your beliefs;
being an out of the closet gay defines
strength and courage.

And that is something that can never be taken away from them.

The Disliking of Gay Couples

This is something I wrote years ago, just thought I'd share.

The Disliking of Gay Couples
Post Opinion