Why Some Women Stay in Abusive Relationships


I've heard it so many times, people critisizing women who stay in abusive relationships. And honestly, I can relate because I used to think the same thing.

"Why is she staying with a guy who abuses her?"

"I don't feel sorry for her since she's choosing to stay with him."

"She's dumb for staying with an abusive partner."

However, I recently got curious and decided to actually do some research and figure out if there is a reason as to why some women stay in abusive relationships. I put my judgements aside and tried to approach the topic in an unbiased way. When I started looking into the various reasons, it started somewhat making sense. Now, these points will NOT apply to all women who stay in abusive relationships, I'm not trying to speak for everyone here. It is definitely generalized, I'm just trying to shed some light on some of the possible reasons why some people stay in abusive relationships. Some of these points could also apply to any men who are in abusive relationships as well (since it isn't always the man who is the abuser, there are many cases in which the woman in a relationship is abusive as well).

Why Some Women Stay in Abusive Relationships

1. Believing Abuse in Relationships is Normal. In a lot of cases, abuse is a cycle. If a child grows up in an abusive household and sees his/her father abusing his/her mother (or vice versa), a child may begin to think that relationships are supposed to be that way. If they have not been exposed to any healthy relationships, they won't know any different. It somewhat "normalizes" abuse in their minds so if they end up in an abusive relationship themselves, they may not recognize that their relationship is not healthy.

2. The Belief that an Abusive Partner Will Change. I have noticed that this thought process is very common with women. Some women feel that they can "fix" a man, and that he can change. This holds true for some women in abusive relationships as well and if the woman has a low self-esteem, she may even blame herself for the abuse or think that she did something to cause it.

3. Manipulation Tactics. Another common reason some women stay is because the abusive partner is manipulative. After the abuse, he may tell her he loves her, that he didn't mean it, that it won't happen again, etc. He plays mind games. A lot of abusers constantly tell their partner that they would be "nothing without them." This can eventually brainwash a person into believing it to the point where they feel they can't leave the relationship.

4. Reliance on the Abusive Partner. In many cases, an abusive partner does things that causes the abused partner to rely on them. Typically this involves getting them to be financially dependent on the abusive partner. Limited access to money can make it difficult for an abused partner to leave. This can also include cutting the person off from their family and friends. That would also make it especially difficult for the abused partner to leave because they may have no where to go. A common tactic abusive partners use is isolating their parter which causes that person to rely on the abuser.

5. Fear. In a lot of cases, an abuser will threaten their partner with physical violence, threaten to take their children (if kids are involved), or even threaten to kill their partner if they leave. This can be a serious reason why some people choose to stay in abusive relationships; they think that's better than what could happen if they try to leave

6. Cultural or Religious Reasons. In some cases, a person's religion or culture may influence them to stay rather than end the relationship/marriage and bring shame to their family. The vast differences among cultures in the world is amazing and it's definitley true that in some cultures, divorce simply isn't an option due to social pressure and that cultures' particular views of marriage or relationships.

Now, this does NOT mean that these women in abusive relationships CAN'T leave, it just means that in some cases it can be very, very difficult. Basically, different circumstances could cause someone to stay in an abusive relationship. I know not everyone will agree with these points, and that's okay. I simply wanted to shed some light on the fact that, not all women who stay in an abusive relationship is "stupid" and in some cases, there are underlying factors to a woman's (or man's) reasons for staying.

I feel really sad when I hear about people staying in abusive relationships and I want to help them, I have simply realized that leaving isn't always as easy as it may seem. It can be incredibly easy for people on the outside to look and say, "she should leave that guy, he's an abusive asshole" however, when someone is actually in that situation, it can be a lot more complicated than that. I know that a lot of people have been able to successfully leave abusive relationships and that's great, but not everyone is the same so I don't think it's right to judge some women for staying just because other women were able to leave. Just "myTake" on the topic.

Why Some Women Stay in Abusive Relationships
71 Opinion