Are You Sabotaging Your Relationships?


I want to share a story that happened to me very recently.

My guy turned me down for sex because he was too tired. I immediately assumed he didn't want me anymore, we were through, he was going to dump me, and on and on. My mood turned sour and defensive and the rest of our day was shot to the point that he got impatient over something I was doing; I ended up leaving to go to work and figured we were through. I never asked him about any of it, just KNEW I understood the beginning of the end. The next morning he didn't text me right away. I sent him a text and his response was very abrupt concerning a frustration he had that morning. Although he texted me an hour later and apologized for the abruptness of his reply, the damage was done. No sex, first bad day together, and now THIS?

I was supposed to see him later that week, but as the days went by I agonized over every interaction, analayzed every text, even came here and asked a question about it. By the time our days together arrived, I didn't want to see him because I figured he didn't really even want to see me and was distancing himself from me anyway. Our newly found relationship was ruined, over, the end. Only two months in, and he was bored, finished, over me already. The day did come, I did see him, we had a great time but even in his presence I continued to doubt because in my mind I had ruined everything somehow. Now I am a very confident person, but I confess; I genuinely like this guy and the idea of him being over me hurt. A lot.

The other night, the subject of that day came up. I told him he had pissed me off with his impatient comment, and he started laughing. He said he had no idea I was even angry and that he sensed something was off with me, but didn't know what. Then he said something that stopped me in my tracks. He said, "Wow, we had our first fight and I didn't even know it."

The absurdity of it all hit me. I spent nearly a week in a private Hell, frantically driving myself crazy over an incident that he never even thought twice about afterwards. In short, my overthinking things could have caused me to ruin a wonderful new relationship and he wouldn't have even known why.

Sabotage, anyone?

I see it here, day after day. People agonizing over things, driving themselves crazy over...well, nothing. Causing their own problems by overanalyzing everything, people will miss out on the joys of just being in the moment. Worrying over what can be can actually cause the thing they most fear to happen; it is called a "self fulfilling prophecy" and is common to both guys and girls alike.

Are you sabotaging your own relationship?

Are You Sabatoging Your Relationships?

1. Worrying that your partner is going to cheat: Maybe he had a suspicious text or call. Does this mean he will cheat? You have been cheated on before, but this doesn't mean SHE will cheat. Checking his or her phone, social media and interactions gives you only half the answer. If she is RECEIVING these calls, and did she respond to them? Is it her fault that someone calls her? Is she responding politely but not inititating these calls or texts? Is he liking the pictures of a friend on FB? Is this a friend you already know, or a stranger he just met? Usually someone with something to hide will go to great lengths to hide it. He won't leave those texts on the phone, will delete the call records, will be more subtle than to like something on social media. Doesn't matter if he thinks she is pretty, she probably is. Does that REALLY matter to your relationship? Only as much as you allow it to. Now you are seeing bad in his every action, and your reactions may be the final wedge in your relationship. Welcome to Sabotage 101.

2. Analyzing every interaction via text: Oh no, he didn't text me good morning. Ugh, she forgot to say she loves me. I can't believe he hasn't responded, it has been four hours! It's over, isn't it? Taking a deep breathe and stepping back is the only way to stop yourself from going crazy with this one. Truthfully, when s/he does respond and you hit him or her with a barrage of insecure "Why didn't you get back to me right away?" makes your partner less willing to reach out at all. I have a phrase I made up called being a "pester texter." You know the one, maybe you ARE the one. If you don't get an immediate response, you text again. And again. If he was too busy to respond to the first, he is too busy to respond to the next four...or ten. If she didn't feel like talking right then, bombarding her with texts will not make her more receptive to talking. Quite the opposite, in fact. Personally, I would rather him get back to me when he feels like talking, not because he feels obligated because I have sent him 35 texts in two hours. When you do get the return text, keep it light and breezy. No accusations, no letting them know you were upset. If you over react, you are playing into the Sabotage Game.

3. He needs time alone. He is bored with me: Ah, the pleasures of being a couple. Being all up in each other's spaces, 24/7. Breathing each other's oxygen, watching him watch basketball when I would rather be reading a book. Being the reason he doesn't get time with the boys. Watching my own freindships fade as I invest every waking moment into this person. Sometimes I just want to sleep in my own bed, in my own house...alone. Am I bored? Heck no. Is HE bored? No. Once the initial rush of honeymoon passion is over, life balances back out and you NEED space from time to time. Don't overanalyze it, just give it to your partner. Don't let resentment start to build; begrudging some alone time is a one way trip to Sabotage City.

4. Overthinking an occasional lack of sex: Yup. I was stunned, too. Girls, guess what? Sometimes, he isn't in the mood! His exact words to me when this happened were, "I'm tired. I just don't think I could I could give you the response you want." After talking to other girls, I found this isn't that uncommon. Guys know the frustration all too well, and they are as guilty of overthinking it as girls are. Sometimes there are others in bed with you named Stress and Exhaustion. Of course it is human nature to take it personally and assume life is over. "Not in the mood" shouldn't be an indicator of where your relationship is, but how you respond to it can be either mature or a first class pass to Sabotage Central.

5. I am not all that attractive: Wow, this one. This one is a relationship killer. It manifests itself in numerous ways, each one capable of wrecking your good thing. You constantly ask for confirmation that your partner finds you attractive. You hate that he or she glances at anyone you perceive to be better looking. You are overly jealous of every interaction that occurs with the opposite sex due to your insecurities. When you aren't with them, you are afraid they are out cheating with someone better looking. I can tell you from experience, this is exhausting for both of you. Refusing to see yourself as your partner does is sabotage at its most basic form.

6. They haven't said "I love you": Talk is cheap. How does she treat you? When I am with a guy, I measure his actions against his words. When s/he loves you, you just know it. His or her actions scream it. Affection for no reason (as in, cuddling on the couch watching a movie, holding your hand in public and so forth), making sure you are comfortable and have whatever you need, maybe even buying something for you because they thought of you when they saw it, talking about future plans such as a movie coming out this summer s/he wants to see with you...a million ways to prove love without ever saying it. Doubting your partner's feeling for you because they haven't confessed yet is a way to wreck your "in the moment" pleasure and hit the Sabotage Wall.

7. Refusing to understand that guys and girls think differently: We all have gender lenses that provide narrow views. In my example, I fell to pieces over a sequence of events he didn't even realize were problematic. Why? Because as a more emotional female, his grumpy moods struck a personal note. As a less reactive male, he sensed something was "off" but couldn't read between the lines. Guys may be proud of the fact that they washed their car before your big date; this was, to them, a way to show you how special you are to them. They will be hurt when you get in without acknowledging it, but you are mad because he didn't text you earlier that day. Guys are active, girls are reactive. Remember this one, and if you need to, communicate your feelings. Not understanding how your partner thinks is a common chapter in the Sabotage manual.

There are many more, of course. Anything that has you doubting yourself or your partner without a cause is playing into relationship sabotage. How to stop it is up to you, but remember: you are your own worst enemy when it comes to this. Stop worrying about what might be, and start living in the moment. True love really shouldn't be so hard, and when you stop overthinking everything you will see it really isn't, after all. Don't sabotage your relationship, just enjoy it.

Are You Sabotaging Your Relationships?
51 Opinion