How do I keep a Sagittarius man interested for the long haul?

I've had a mad crush on this Sagittarius man for quite some time now. We hooked up once in the past and now we're hooking up again. Two years have passed since we were last together and I did not contact him at all that entire time. We would see each other at parties sometimes and he would give me these steamy looks but that was it. Things are going well, but I have this awful feeling that he's going to lose interest in me and pull another disappearing act and not come back this time. I really, really like him and I feel like he really likes me too (he's told me he does). We can be ourselves around each other and it's beautiful, I've never had that before without always putting on a mask.

I know that once this sign gets bored and loses interest, it's the death knell. I know you have to keep them from getting bored but I'm unsure of how to do that. It worries me because I'm 27 and he's 24, I have responsibilities like a full time job and he helps to manage a restaurant but also goes to school and so has more free time. Also, its difficult for us to spend time together because I live 30 minutes away from him. Usually it's limited to weekends. If he did drift off for a long period of time again I would be very upset but I wouldn't try to contact him and I would never let him know how heartbroken I would be. I just want to keep him interested so that even if he DOES go away, he'll want to keep coming back to me. If he didn't want to be with me I wouldn't force it, I could never cage someone like that. It's cruel. Does anyone have any suggestions? I am also a Leo with a Sagittarius moon, by the way.
How do I keep a Sagittarius man interested for the long haul?
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