My boyfriend's sister broke up with me?

So, I have posted a lot about my boyfriend and our relationship on here lately. Tonight we got in a heated discussion and I just had enough. It got to the point now where I realize we fight way too much and are doing more bad than good... maybe we should take a break, work on us but from a far. (I meant it though, not as a way to break up I really wanted to work on it). Anyway he didn't want to break up and me saying that made him cry. His sister came in and gave me relationship advice. (she took the phone from him, this whole convo is on the phone) Then he kept crying and crying because he really didn't want it to end..

I guess she could hear them and so she sent me this. I can't explain everything I am feeling... I know that by tomorrow his whole family will probably hate me. I am just angry, sad, disapointed, and I feel disrespected.

What would you do? How would you feel?
My boyfriend's sister broke up with me?

My boyfriend's sister broke up with me?

My boyfriend's sister broke up with me?

+1 y
So, we are still together. We are long distance right now so... that's why there is this drama. We had none when we were together... Anyway he is coming to see me and we will solidify things then. Either way, his family had already invited me to go with them to Disney World for Christmas... would it be childish not to go because of this? I just... don't wanna be around his sister.
My boyfriend's sister broke up with me?
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