I currently deleted ALL social media to make sure im in the right mind set after a break-up, does it make me weak? Or is there a different look?

i currently just got out of a relationship.. yesterday. We have dated before and this was our 3rd time dating.. in all the occasions he was always the one breaking up with me.. he is a big flirt he likes the girls attention , he liked knowing girls liked him but i could honestly say he didn't cheat on me , he respected me. he texted me “we needa talk boo..” so i was like ok whats up even before he could tell me i texted again and asked “are you gonna break-up with me” he responded “yes kindaa.. i think its better if we stay as friends its not the right timing “ i responded “if thats what you want thats what you gone get” i didn't wanna seem desperate in any way when it truly hurt me. he says back to me “ im sorry thats just how i feel” i said “ did you loose feelings “ he said “ yes kinda...” i left him on seen and balled out for minutes, after i was done i decided to make sure i dont stay here crying for him for days , its summer and i needa get my shit together once i start school again bc thats another whole break down. i deleted all social media bc we all gotta admit that its a huge distraction, a whole bad influence, it makes you think a certain way because of what we see , i want to be fully stable mentally, emotionally and physically before i see a picture of my ex boyfriend. rn if i see a picture i will get all upset and start asking myself questions of what i do what could i have done , why why why ya know.. was it a good idea? i dont wanna look weak and i think im not looking weak i just need a break after him and i breaking up for the 3rd time and actually feeling and knowing it will be the last time. this whole school year i will be focusing on me , on my mental health, bc i’ve been through different break-ups this year , ex bestfriend, ex boyfriend *the one im talking about rn* , big huge fights w my parents, my parents discussing divorce.. etc, i really think i need time off social media. *ps i have imessage bc obviously*
was it a good idea?
what were you thinking? no
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I currently deleted ALL social media to make sure im in the right mind set after a break-up, does it make me weak? Or is there a different look?
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