To not have my best interest in mind. To not genuinely care about me. To not be able to understand and accept me at my worst. To not trust or believe in me. To not be able to see the real me and assume I'm like everyone else. And lastly but certainly not the least, lying or trying to manipulate/control me because of all of the above.
613 Reply- +1 y
Ok so I know @crazyish, you and I have talked about this before. Some time has come and gone and I'd say that it shouldn't be a fear. I mean, that's the whole point with falling in love right? You FALL in love because you let a wall down for a person. So basically, what I have said in the past: being in love with someone is to be comfortable being vulnerable around that person. So feel free to have the fear you mentioned, but always be aware that if you at some point have a partner, that you tell him about this fear. Never hide it, cause if you do, the trust you supposedly said you had to him (hypothetically), will be fake and phony. It would be hurtful for you both if you both kept it in the dark. (Haha Jungian shadow ftw!)
And this brings me to an interesting point. So Jung said, quite correctly, that when it comes to considering and contemplating the identity of a partner and your own identity, that there's something not as typically attractive (aka the Shadow). So my question to you is: how is the real you someone is supposed to see, when it comes to this aspect, different from what everyone else is? Everyone has a shadow, oppressed trauma (granted, some darker than others, and maybe that's what you're trying to get at?) - +1 y
Actually wait. I take some of it back. Wanting to be with someone with your best interest in mind is always a good thing.
- +1 y
@Cathy7734 I seriously died laughing.. thank you I needed that🤣
@Devlaw5 where do you live exactly? And how do you go about finding these people to surround yourself in real life? I've found some on GaG but none irl.. lol
@Orangeandturquoise it's probably a fear still because I haven't taken the chance yet. I know I'm not really ready just because if it happens again, I'm unsure if I could handle it. Like I get that with no risk means no reward and that if I took a chance then it could be the real deal so I'm just waiting until I know I can do it. I could unintentionally hurt a really good person by not being ready also. And I'm upfront about my feelings and doubts, a warning so they know what they are getting into. But I understand what you mean.
And that is interesting to think about.. it makes sense about the shadow. But that's not entirely what I meant but pretty close. It's a bit hard to explain is all. But thank you for getting me to think a little broader. - +1 y
If you ever feel like stop running and talking again, I'm here. I hope you're doing well. I've been thinking about you lately. Nothing I want to say publicly but just so you know
- +1 y
So there is a "romance" between you two? That's great! - +1 y
@Cathy7734 haha she wishes 😜 but no, we're just.. I don't know, friends that are too afraid to speak to each other anymore? 😅
- +1 y
@crazyish I’m from Jamaica.. I guess you could say I’ve developed an eye for it. All the people in my life who have the qualities you’ve mentioned are also creatives. Not saying that all creatives have these qualities. But to be a creative, you must at the very least recognize humanity. And if you’re a really great creative, you should care about and understand humanity.
When I was younger I was really shy and my father guarded me. I couldn’t have friends he didn’t approve of. I guess from their it just took me a while to trust people.
So now I live by rules. If I meet you, at best you’re an associate. It takes almost times at least a year for us to become friends and 2 to become SO’s. We don’t become SO’s unless we were friends first.
That gives me time to recognize what I like to call ‘beauty’. That’s just whether or not you’re able to recognize and care for humanity. Not humans but humanity. And if you can, ik you have what it takes to be a friend. Whatever other qualities I wanna see, that time should prove them to me. - +1 y
@Cathy7734 and @Orangeandturquoise 😆 yes friends and that sounds utterly ridiculous when you put it like that🤣
@Devlaw5 That honestly makes a lot of sense. Can I ask you how you are able to not trust people right away or is that solelybecause of how your father was when you were younger? Especially caring about humanity.. which makes me always see the good in people. I tend to believe and trust too soon and I've been struggling and learning lesson after lesson on this front. You're personal way is very intriguing to me. It's smart.
Most Helpful Opinions
That I'll get comfortable potentially change for the worse for myself as a man if I'm not careful. Like guys who are in shape until they get into a relationship and get fat.
It's more common for two people to let themselves go in a relationship, basically pricing eachother out of the market, than for two people to help eachother truly improve.
Half the reason relationships commonly lose passion in my opinion is they both stop trying. They get a little pudgy. The do desexualizing things like being in the bathroom while one is on the toilet. Both fart when the other is around.
Little things that stack up over time to being less attracted to someone you love. It's too common for people to slack and do worse, because in their mind the other person can't leave/won't leave/"they love me" or some variation of taking advantage in a way.00 Reply
My biggest fear? I guess my fear is I know what I am, try as I would I have some baggage I'll never be what I could have been. My fear is like other times in my life I believed I was just a normal guy but I was just trying so hard to act and live normal I'd fooled myself. Om afraid that old trauma would come back up and end things and id realize id been kidding myself the entire time thinking I could have something that seems meant for people who seemed whole.
Broken and trying to cover it up and waking up to reality one day.
I was gonna say being cheated on but I'd get over it this I wouldn't I'd probably lock part of me away and never dare try that whole bonding love thing again I know myself.00 Reply
- +1 y
My dad cheated on my mother when I was 5, and even after my mom confronted him and him promising not to do it again, he cheated again twice. I don’t trust guys easily. I emotionally distance myself from them. I don’t want to end up with a guy like my dad. And a guy lying, telling me that he loves me when he clearly doesn’t. Cheating on me. Not genuinely caring about me. Things like that.
by the way I’m 16, and I’m not able to change the age on here39 Reply- +1 y
Tbh, my fear is guys, but I’m only attracted to them. I can’t really trust guys easily. Guess having a not-so-good father figure would do that to you.
- +1 y
I’m sorry you and your mom had to go through that. I for one hate cheating.. always have.. shared an opinion on how strongly I’m against it. We’re not all like that. And it sucks that because of him and his example you’re forced to be super cautious with men. But there are good guys out there, and I hope you find one.
- +1 y
People tell me that I’m too mature and opinionated. I don’t think guys like girls like that, but I do hope I find a good guy when I grow up. Thank you for taking your time out to reply to my comment, I did not want to rant, but oh well. Thanks though :D
- +1 y
Thank you, that was kind of reassuring. I really appreciate it. And yes, good guys are hard to find as much as good girls are, I just hope I find a person who’s right for me. Thanks :D
- +1 y
I second what Devlaw5 said. A lot of guys like that kind of girl.
- +1 y
@tatianamay Just enjoy life while you still can. I’ve always been single too but don’t let everyone else get you down
- +1 y
@White_Boy_506 lol, thanks!
What Girls & Guys Said
Lying is a big one, specifically about things that I would prefer honesty about such as losing interest, cheating, committing crimes- especially drug addictions for me personally because he has a history with the heavier stuff and I have grown up with parents with drug problems and wouldn't want to see him end up like them later in life. Especially if we ever had kids, I only want them to be able to have both parents present in their lives and have a better childhood than I did.
Even if it initially hurts either party to be honest, it saves me a lot of stress, heartbreak and trouble from if the problem has persisted without being addressed before getting worse.30 Reply1.4K opinions shared on Relationships topic. My biggest fear is that she'd get comfortable because she'd have her sought after commitment and stop putting in effort. Then after enough time, she'd begin seeing someone behind my back that she thinks is "better" in some way and cheat on me until she can secure something with him and leave me in the lurch.
30 ReplyWell, since I get bored off stuff easily, I'm scared what if I get bored or smth like that. I really like that girl and I don't wanna hurt her because of smth stupid like that.
11 Reply- +1 y
Leading you on.
Broken trust is easy - you break up and leave. Cheating is the same thing, you show them the door and they hopefully go away.
However there are some sadistic people out there. Someone that does some next-level mind games are the worst.
Get pregnant by someone else and lie to you.
Fuck other guys and say it never happened.
meanwhile you are so convinced they are yours - and getting unstuck from them becomes a problem.10 Reply - +1 y
Probably lie to me. Even over the littlest things... or especially over the littlest things. It casts doubt over the whole relationship forever more.
You never know if you can believe a word your partner is saying after that.30 Reply - +1 y
Lying, not being loved, him losing interest in me. Honestly, that's something I feel like he's doing now. Although he'll deny this but lacks the effort to show that I'm wrong. Or refuses to show the effort. The first thing I say when I meet someone is "don't lie to me" because the minute you lie to me, you lose all credibility. I will doubt you and suspect things. It will ruin the relationship. It's usually the first rule they break. Sigh.
40 Reply Getting cheated on, not just that but me catching them cheating on me, I don't know what I would do. I am sure at the moment I would maybe just walk away and never talk to them again but the amount of pain this is going to cause is beyond me, that is now a way to kill a man's ego. That is something I would never forget or forgive because that's like degrading your significant other.
00 Reply- +1 y
I greatest fear is marriage so I won’t get married. Women aren’t worth more than the good fuck I’ll give em anyways. There’sa free rate specimens that could be something special… but in the end the rate is divorce… the costs of divorce… the risks of divorce… coupled with the meaning of marriage today… I won’t even consider it.
00 Reply - +1 y
That one day she will really get to know me and decide she doesn't like it. Like the real me isn't good enough. Or that she never really thought much of me, just didn't have a better option.
20 Reply - +1 y
My greatest fear is that I will end up in an abusive relationship. I'm a pretty small guy and I have a real problem standing up for myself or disagreeing with someone. It would be extremely easy for a guy to groom me as a victim
10 Reply 656 opinions shared on Relationships topic. Being cheated on, used , abused , lied to , manipulated and then blamed for it and dropped like shit... oh wait all of that already happened
32 Reply- +1 y
A woman that rushes too quickly through the relationship (e. g. only being together in two days, and already planning marriage and kids - clingy)
Also, if she is paranoid about me leaving her. Which I may do, because she's paranoid about me leaving her.
But no matter the fears, I have to express my concerns with her and work them out. And if anything goes wrong, I'll have police on speed dial. This all hypothetical by the way.00 Reply To start a life with me (settling down and getting me pregnant) and to leave right after i got a child or get pregnant. I really want to raise my children with the dad.
10 Reply- +1 y
My greatest fear is that she will turn into a monster.
38 Reply- +1 y
Hateful, angry, narcissistic, no compassion
- +1 y
It’s a high possibility…
- +1 y
@VanillaSalt Then how do you avoid that?
- +1 y
Man if there was a way divorce wouldn’t be 53%of marriages and marriage wouldn’t be at 6.1 per 1000 population… looks the best thing a man can do is hide. Build yourself and women will line up for a shot at you. They don’t respect you but what you have accomplished. You mean nothing. I wish I could post something a woman just got angry and said to me as a pic… women are hella privileged and will win if you involve marriage. I will not marry until the laws change and I will not cohabitate without a contract. That’s how you change it. You hold women accountable. Make them all pay for the actions of the fringe. Men pay overall for the rapes committed by the few and it’s not an issue so why is it so bad with women. Their going to do whatever they can to marry you but you can do everything right and they fall out of marriage. They don’t know how to take responsibility for choosing to marry. For better or worse in sickness and in health until death do us part means nothing anymore.
- +1 y
Okay. I understand all of that. But how do you practically take steps to avoid trouble, assuming you haven't lost all hope completely?
- +1 y
You can’t man. You have to understand what your risking and compare it to what you stand to gain. The fact is… most women don’t want to be traditional women. They think you should accept them flawed and all including being fat because body positivity am I right? Women are just too little gain for the effort. And the risk? 53% of marriage ends in divorce. 80% are filed by women. That’s not all men that aren’t doing their part that’s cheating women too. And who does divorce target? You need to understand the odds of you having a successful marriage not ending in divorce goes up as you get older but you miss out on the good times because these women use themselves up early and settle late. You only get what she has left to offer and the later you wait the less it is.
I have lost hope. Women aren’t worth the risk and effort for what they offer me anymore. - +1 y
Well, shit.
1.4K opinions shared on Relationships topic. Finding out that I'm dating a racist. I guess that's the risk I take because I'm into white guys and I'm black.
26 Reply- +1 y
I don’t think a racist white guy would date a black woman……
- +1 y
Nah but why would anybody date someone they perceive as being beneath them?
- +1 y
Is possible but I don’t think is all that common lol
- +1 y
Lying, cheating, betrayal of any kind, using my own vulnerability to undermine me or humiliate me, falling for a narcissist without realising.
You know, the usual.20 Reply - +1 y
Greatest fear?
When she says "We have to talk."
Nothing strikes fear in me like that line! Turns my knees to jelly! It's never good!20 Reply - +1 y
To be cheated on. Just thinking about it hurts me to the core.
81 Reply Cheating probably? Or them being some kind of psycho serial killer/rapist and forever being known as the person who didn’t know [] was crazy 😂
10 Reply- Anonymous(36-45)+1 y
Mine is falling hard for someone and being my “nice guy” self to her. Going through all the effort, time, money and heart thinking she’s different. All while this is going on she gives me some initial positive feedback. Then one day she turns into a piece of sh*t and leaves (or worse cheats and tries to justify it) because she finds me boring.
That happened more than once in the past (I haven’t been knowingly cheated on though I was suspicious). I will never let it happen again.10 Reply - +1 y
Either being cheated on or abused. I’m not down for either and couldn’t even think about doing those things to someone else. If someone did either to me, it’d ruin me
20 Reply 5.7K opinions shared on Relationships topic. I had somebody break up with me in the most cruel way imaginable. I never saw it coming and she never apologized or explained.
Knowing she cared so little was worse than the breakup itself.10 Reply- +1 y
I haven't been in one yet, but I guess it would be the fear of loosing her and never finding someone that good again, and that fear ruining the relationship.
Also, getting deceived or turned down. I afraid of fallinv in love since it only ended badly.
Another one would be, loosing privacy00 Reply - +1 y
Being used and dumped again.
Tired if spending years of my life working two jobs to pay off women's debts.10 Reply - +1 y
Jodi Arias killed her lover while Amber Heard falsely accused hers of abusing her while she herself abused him. Either of these would be my worst fear in a relationship.
20 Reply Hercules loses his strength and not even the little blue pill can resurrect him he's down for the count, that's scary serious but I don't think much about it, too often, ok more with each passing year,
00 ReplyStop loving me one day or leave me for a girl better
40 Reply- Anonymous(30-35)+1 y
That they have been lying to me about something essential all along or for an extended period of time.
30 Reply - Anonymous(45 Plus)+1 y
That she'll wake up one day and decide that she wants to go off and do her own thing, potentially running both our futures. If it happens, I imagine it'll be a surprise for us both so not really something we can plan for.
10 Reply - s+1 y
Breaking my trust by either not being loyal or talking about things I’ve told him about myself to others.
10 Reply - +1 y
Having my heart broken, whether through being cheated on or her finding someone better.
10 Reply What it has always been, an unfaithful partner.. This is one of the reasons I have not had a relationship in over 15 years.. I don't date either (but that reason is to be answered another time)
10 Reply- +1 y
Lying to me. Not necessarily about having an affair; it may simply be something she hid from me, but I fear not knowing my partner, not knowing what she's really thinking. To discover I've been lied to, that she is capable of deceiving me and pretending to be someone she is not would most likely drive me to end the relationship.
00 Reply - +1 y
The other person in many ways I always end up chasing after mental people it woudlnt suprize me If my ex girlfriend was the next charles mansion
11 Reply- +1 y
Manson even
Finding out that she's unfaithful/queer, or that "she" is really a he. But yeah, cheaters, "bi"/queer women, and transwomen are the last things I'd want to date.
00 Reply2.8K opinions shared on Relationships topic. Lie about cheating. I might forgive cheating if you tell me soon after it happened. I won't if you don't. So 3 days after cheating, you might keep me. A month probably not.
10 Reply- Anonymous(36-45)+1 y
Tell me that my penis is too small and dump me because of that ☹️
20 Reply Being cheated on just makes you feel totally worthless
23 Reply- +1 y
@karaspara hugs
- +1 y
Yes it does... But it's not the worst..
The worst is loving a woman, and trusting he completely that you have no problem with her visiting friends in another state (even though she never asked me to go with her, nor asked my permission)
Drove her to the airport and not wanting to be clingy we didn't talk much. I asked her as she got out of the car if she was coming back?
Yes she stated quietly...
We performed concerts in Pennsylvania, Ohio and Jersey...
Anyway I got out of the RV and went straight to bed. It was 12 midnight when the phone rang.. I was so happy to her voice say that she loves me and misses me.. She knew what that had meant me..
She called me the very next day to tell me she cheated at a party and that she was not coming back..
that means she never even liked me as a friend
- +1 y
Join a MLM pyramid scheme cult. I don't date man that are involve with MLM's.
13 Reply- +1 y
- +1 y
I 100% forgot MLM also stands for multi-level marketing and I read it as "men-loving-men pyramid scheme" and was very intrigued
733 opinions shared on Relationships topic. My greatest fear is that I could do everything right and still end getting dumped and broken.
10 Reply- +1 y
Fuck someone else and lie about it. Then leave. Isn't that number one? The ultimate betrayal?
Are you kids really that fucking confused?18 Reply- +1 y
Semantics. Changes nothing.
Choose wisely, treat kindly. __Dr. Laura
The truth is, hypergamy is women. It says any woman can and will dump a perfectly good man if she things she can snag a better one - better looking, richer, more powerful.
And any woman can and will, fuck any guy they want, any place they want, any time they want. JUST ASK THEM!
You don't 'keep' a woman, you just have your turn with them. When they grow bored or restless, they go looking for CHAD THUNDERCOCK. You'll see. And women wonder why guys won't commit. They made their bed, now they can lie in it. Having a man isn't like keeping a pet. Some women would be better off with a cat. Or if they're really rich, a horse. They're just not fit for a real man. - +1 y
Okay.. lol seems like you have a lot to say about women. Read through a bit of your responses. Do you have anything good to say about women or you just think you’re better off without them? I get the feeling this question will get you pissed. Having read through your last comments, you get angry easily and clearly have something against women. What is it?
- +1 y
You're a confused young man, and proof why there's no emotion revealed in the written word, and why you cannot forge a relationship by texting. Which is another popular topic here.
No, as a matter of fact, I absolutely love women. Have always had one by my side since I was about 16 years old. I've been married a total of more than forty years, two wives, the first for over ten years, the second is now over thirty years. Wifey ver 2.0 is an absolutely gorgeous woman, smart, funny, makes a shit-ton of dough, and simply adores me.
I have a loving mother, two sisters, one living, two daughters and a son. Women are a huge part of my life.
All that said, I understand women better than most of them do themselves. I know what makes them tick, what drives them. Their behavior is easy to predict. They are all very similar, they have the same biological drivers. I'm an alpha male, women have been drawn to me over my entire life.
I don't put up with their bullshit, their bad traits, and call them out when I see them.
So, if you came here to learn something, I have much to teach. If you came here for attention and validation, and people to agree with you, sorry but that's just not my job. If we can save just a few souls from themselves, then our job is done.
Most young men just don't get it. EVERYTHING they have been told about women by the women in their lives - their mothers, teachers, sisters, relatives, is ALL A BIG FAT LIE. But guys won't believe the truth until some bimbo rips his heart out and stomps on it. You'll see. - +1 y
I've done couples therapies, marriage seminars, relationship coaching, studied personality trait typing (MBTI), and been through countless infidelities on both sides. My experiences are hard won, real life experiences, I've lived the hard truth. I've experienced literally thousands and thousands of sexual encounters. I've raised three children.
No, don't judge by text - read and learn. Open your mind, life has much to offer. But it's hard, life is difficulty, you'll have many setbacks. Only living through these things will you learn the truth. - +1 y
Lol I’m not interested in what you have to teach my G.. I asked a simple question. Most people answered. You decided to presume what’s best for other people. You’re in your 60s and don’t see that as a problem?🤔.. lol good for you for having so many women in your life…and have a great life.
- +1 y
I DO know what's best. Most simply don't. Lots of clueless noobs.
- +1 y
Her or me dying before we have a chance to see how our relationship pans out into forever or to nevermind
00 Reply Realizing “I LOVE YOU”...
only those you care about can hurt you10 Reply- +1 y
I've never been in a relationship. If was in one I would fear being cheated on
30 Reply Not taking me serious, cheating on me and not respecting me.
20 Reply- +1 y
Lying, not being loved, her losing interest in me, cheating
10 Reply - +1 y
I dont have any fear.. if she leaves me I will thank her for giving me a chance to find someone better😂
13 Reply- +1 y
Yes I know what love is.. and I know how much it hurts.. so I have become this way... its a defense mechanism
- +1 y
What I do is getting to know the person as soon as possible, so if there is a breakup it is soon too.
00 Reply - +1 y
Getting cheated on or him falling out of love with me
20 Reply - +1 y
Wasting my time. I hate it
50 Reply - +1 y
Being cheated on it abusive relationship
40 Reply Not prioritizing the relationship
50 ReplyStill never been in a relationship at 24, but already had my heart broken a few times...
00 Reply300 opinions shared on Relationships topic. Inevitably leave you for various, bullshit reasons.
00 Reply- +1 y
pretending to love but not loving and cheat.
20 Reply - Anonymous(18-24)+1 y
That I won't be enough
40 Reply - Anonymous(30-35)+1 y
Cheating. Or ghosting.
40 Reply - +1 y
We stop going down the Same path
36 Reply- +1 y
I had a friend that was in a great relationship. She was struggling in life with her family relationships. She went to a Tony Robbins seminar and completely changed. She broke it off with her husband, who didn't want a divorce. She moved out and into her own apartments. Her husband wouldn't give up though. He would sit outside of her apartment door and cry. She never opened the door and she didn't give him any reason why she wanted a divorce. She just chose a different path.
- +1 y
Wow. @Cathy7734 What do you think was the reason?
- +1 y
A person should NEVER GO TO A PSYCHOLOGIST... I mean never. - +1 y
- +1 y
@Jamie05rhs Have you ever heard of the word "psycho pomp" ?
It means.. "SOUL DIRECTOR" - +1 y
No, I haven't. I'm not familiar with any of those terms; sorry.
No understanding
no faith
no compromise10 Replywhy erect a statue of a criminal george floyd and remove our history statues
00 Reply- Show More (23)
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