Should I be paying my boyfriend for driving to see me?

About every other weekend he drives 4 hours to see me for a couple days. I don't have my license. Just my permit because I recently turned 18. He knows I'm not comfortable with driving yet. He has lots of driving experience.
I told him my mom would drive me halfway to meet him this next time and he was so excited but I knew we should do something for my mom. I asked if he would chip in maybe 25 and I would give her 25 for gas and just for the fact that she did this.
He said he would do it but he wasn't very happy and he wondered why my mom got money for this trip but he never gets anything for all the times he comes down.
He's my boyfriend, I shouldn't have to pay him just for coming down to see me. I buy him gifts plenty and make food for him. I have even suggested in the past paying him gas money but he said that I didn't have to do that. When I told him to just forget about paying my mom and that I was a little upset that he said that, he didn't want to talk about it and started acting really defensive and rude. He said there is no point in talking about it because I wouldn't understand so I asked why would you even bring it up in the first place and he couldn't even give me a direct answer he just got pissy.
Yes you should pay your boyfriend
No, and he's rude to assume that
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Should I be paying my boyfriend for driving to see me?
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