Talked to my first crush in elementary school after 10 years... I promised to contact him again but I’m not sure when?


There was a boy who liked me in grade 1. I liked him back but I never told him. I moved to a different country but we liked each other until year 5.

Some time ago I came back to my country and stumbled on his SNS. But I couldn’t bring myself to text him bc I was at my lowest with mum critically ill + uni not working out. For 1 year, I regretted not saying hi. I visited his profile occasionally and one day I found out that he was in an accident that resulted in hundreds of deaths. He was uninjured but very traumatized.

I messaged him for the first time in 10 years. I said that I liked him too in primary school, found his profile a year ago but couldn’t contact him, and explained how I learned he was in the accident. I told him I don’t mean that I still like him, that my mum is very ill so I can guarantee that there’s no ulterior motive, that I was gonna deactivate until my uni entrance exam finishes in a few months, and that I’m so thankful that he’s alive and wish that he’s okay.

He replied saying that he’s getting better and that he was more worried about me. He thanked me for contacting him and said he was very surprised to hear that I used to like him too. He told me "We should meet up sometime. I’d like to keep in touch with you occasionally but because you have goals that you need to achieve now, contact me anytime after you’ve given your best shot. Right now I fall short, but I will work hard to become a better, decent person by the time I meet you." I told him that I will also work hard to meet him as a better person when the time comes.

I’m wondering if he’s expecting me to contact as soon as my uni problem is solved or just when I’m ready in due time? When exam finishes, I’m gonna meet up with other friends from primary school. Could it offend him if I catch up with others but not him? I want to wait more bc my first sem will be hectic trying to juggle both uni and caretaking mum for the first time. As stupid as it is, don’t want him to see me struggle.

Talked to my first crush in elementary school after 10 years... I promised to contact him again but I’m not sure when?
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