How tf do I respond to this?

I've never cheated on him, he's cheated on me multiple times and I've let it go every time, I never bring it up, I don't "entertain" anyone. I have guy friends but if I talk to them he considers it entertaining them. But he still "encourages me to hang out with friends." I'm not blaming him for me missing out on life, but I told him I'm too scared to enjoy life because I don't want to lose his trust even if I did nothing wrong. He lies to me constantly but I ignore it so that I don't start a fight. He's saying I lied when I said I haven't eaten but the last time I ate was 12 hours prior at his house and I had one bagel. I respectfully told him I wasn't in the right head space to talk and I told him I wanted to continue this conversation the next day and he told me I wasn't setting a boundary even though I clearly was and he accused me of diversion. Is he disrespecting my boundaries? How tf do I respond? Or is it worth responding at all? I'm so over this nonsense 😒😒😒
How tf do I respond to this?
How tf do I respond to this?
How tf do I respond to this?
How tf do I respond to this?
How tf do I respond to this?
How tf do I respond to this?
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