How to deal with boyfriend with terrible time management?


My boyfriend is really kind but he's TERRIBLE WITH TIME! He never remembers my work days, randomly disappears for the entire day, parents were dragging him around, then he saw friends, did homework, forgot to tell me etc. He gets really emotional when I point out why I can't understand how hard it is for him to at least say "hey I'm doing this and this today." I try to accommodate his schedule but I feel like sometimes I'm just killing myself to work around whatever the hell he's doing. He doesn't use any sort of planner and is always forgetting things, like his homework. (We're both college students) I don't know how I can force him to be better about things, because at this point I'm just spending like an hour with him maybe every other day. And I end up just putting him to bed really after watching an episode of a show. If I don't respond to him for a few hours though, he freaks out. I don't think it's a cheating thing at all but I don't know what to do. Apart of me feels like I should just do the same thing he does and not accommodate his schedule, and not talk as much or reply as quickly as I do. But I don't want to be petty

How to deal with boyfriend with terrible time management?
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