I have a real man but I always hear other women talking about how they struggle to get one for themselves. I wasn't even trying, he found me.
786 opinions shared on Relationships topic. At 20 years old you don't even know what a real man is, you just have this idea of what one should be.
But with that said, in 2023... yeah apparently it is super tough to find a real and true red blood, testosterone pumped, pack of man meat... that still carry a conversation.
I struggle in finding a woman that knows how to treat a real man right. Most woman can not handle real men... and I am not talking about sex. I mean on emotional and physical level. So, at your age, I would not think you are ready for the big leagues yet.
See right now if you think I sound like an ass hole... then yeah you are not ready for a real man you just think you are.20 Reply
Most Helpful Opinions
1.3K opinions shared on Relationships topic. Real men are harder to find nowadays because the majority of women don't want a real man; they want to split their time between a submissive simp and a brash, flamboyant bad boy. It's actually a smart approach, in my opinion, but it causes a shortage of traditional, masculine men that many women prefer. This is my opinion only.
00 Reply
- 1 y
All men are real…
It’s just who fits your ideal view of “real man”.
I already had mine, he was in no way “perfect”, he was extremely hard to love sometimes, but he was imperfect in a perfect way and I loved him with all my heart.
I was sometimes wondering, how the hell did I get such a hottie. But it’s not about him being hot. I just loved everything about him, even though he annoyed me a lot sometimes, can’t really remember anything that I didn’t love in him.
31 Reply- 1 y
Sometimes it’s the imperfect things that makes things perfect
- 1 y
So I dated so many crappy guys and settled for less but then when i finally just stopped, I found him. He is a real man and one that molds me, is protective of me and wants me to succeed. He is supportive in all i do but is firm and knows what he wants. Says what he means and means what he says. But yes, there are jerks out their that just play the field because its fun. There are girls who do the same.
20 Reply
What Girls & Guys Said
- 1 y
Well if you don’t drop your sexist attitude…. Probably. No self respecting man who has a lot of options wants a sexist or someone who has a problem with men in general.
It’s like men who hate women… ehhhhhh
00 Reply - 1 y
I agree that real men are hard to find. I think I found a really good guy, but I don't know if he has a girlfriend. I don’t see one on social media, but you never know. I’m still hopeful and he seems interested. Responded to me yesterday within a minute 😂 and then wanting to help me with my test. He is really good.
20 Reply - 1 y
here's a thought. I see a post like this at least once a week. So the question that always pops into my head "Are you a real woman?" And the answer in most cases is no. They are modern women looking for old school masculinity. As one female gager put it "I'm more of a man than todays men" and she proceeded to list off all her masculine hobbies. There in lies the problem. A lot of women cast off the shackles of female expectations of years past but then get mad that the "real men" don't want her.
In short if you want a real man be a real woman.
20 Reply - 1 y
Everyone has different views on real
Like to me a real women is someone that has no problems kicking ass (physically Fighting), goes hunting, carries guns, and knives, don't wear make-up, can cook, persevere food for long term storage, has no problems with butchering animals and likes to have lots of sex
Don't that sound a lot like a man, but its not
See what I am trying to say, everyone has their own taste and interest in a person
22 Reply- 1 y
@XXblack88 I just described my wife as my ideal woman
6.5K opinions shared on Relationships topic. I understand the other women live in places, where there are no men.
Keep in mind that roughly half of the population are male. If those women want a man, then they'll have to be where the men are.
For example The military is full of men. So are IT workplace locations.
10 Reply692 opinions shared on Relationships topic. Many men are emasculated because of feminism, and feminists also tend to be childless.
10 Reply587 opinions shared on Relationships topic. I guess it depends on your version of a real man. I look at it like this we all have a story men and women. It what make you happy what makes him happy. And for me. I don't need a real man title. I just need to be me. Treat people the way I want to be treated be responsible really just be the best I can be honest and loyal and when I'm with somebody don't give them one reason to make them think that you're not
10 Reply- 1 y
I think you were lucky... like winning the lottery! I also think every woman has a different version of what a real man is. So that makes it hard to find. I think the difference between "real" and "ideal" man sometimes clouds their judgement. Real being, they are not a lie, and ideal being he meets every item on the checklist.
00 Reply - 1 y
I think good people are harder to find that aren’t already in committed relationships. And even if/when you do, it doesn’t mean that relationship will work out. Even good people don’t always click together.
10 Reply A "real man" is difficult to find for a lot of women because somehow the current generation is very focused on what they can "get" from a relationship instead of what they can "give" in a relationship.
Stepping into any relationship with selfish reasons is gonna scare away any "real man" or "real woman" who knows how a long-lasting relationship should work.00 Reply- 1 y
They are hared to find, yeah. Real women are hard to find too though, so it's really just a problem with finding people who can handle their business with a modicum of grace.
10 Reply 468 opinions shared on Relationships topic. It depends what your Definition of a real Man is, It's only because other Women keep going after the same type of Guy, If they keep going after the same type of then nothing's gonna change.
https://youtu.be/C9ONWHXCsrk00 Reply- Anonymous(30-35)1 y
they are becoming rarer.
23 Reply- New 1 y
What do you see as the difference between those pictures? Both are people riding transportation machines. The motorcycles have a higher top speed, but less maneuverability in dense urban areas, and are probably a lot safer. In both picture, s they are wearing protective gear. The ones in the top picture are probably riding for recreation, not clear if the ones in the lower picture are on their way to work.
There is the impression that the top picture is of "tough", "rugged" guys - but is it? They need to pay for those bikes, buy gas, food etc. They must have jobs.
What makes someone a "real man". Is it risk-taking? Being counter culture?
- New 1 y
Another ignorant, naive loser who has no idea what constitutes a real man
- New 1 y
@DarkLegacy amen
832 opinions shared on Relationships topic. I think the real struggle is finding a woman who's feminine. As thats probably the largest irony of feminism... Is it has turned many women very masculine.
00 Reply- 1 y
The ones that complain are the ones that have too high of standards. Basically the men they want do not want them.
11 Reply- 1 y
yep lol
- 1 y
Yes @Irishgirl02 I agree with this question. Good and Real partners for us are hard to find.
10 Reply 1.7K opinions shared on Relationships topic. It has to be more difficult now that so many are transgenic (genetically modified organisms) since the jab.
10 Reply- 1 y
based on y chromosome, only "real men" exist so that picture does not define who is not real man
00 Reply 5.7K opinions shared on Relationships topic. That depends a lot of your definition of a real man. To me, a real man is someone who behaves with integrity, takes care of the people around him.
00 Reply10.7K opinions shared on Relationships topic. It certainly seems to be for women nowadays
10 Reply- 1 y
There are plenty of real adult women and real adult men. Maybe they are upset over a break up because as you said you were able to find one easily.
00 Reply - Anonymous(45 Plus)1 y
A lot of women are asking where all the real men are... but the same women are wearing fake eyelashes, fake nails, weave, foundation, padded bras and other tricks...
00 Reply - 1 y
A real man is not defined by his physique. that is just warped messed up millennia/gen zl shit.
10 Reply - 1 y
If he has a biological penis and balls then he is a real man.
10 Reply - 1 y
Yes. We are an endangered species. Only about 3% of men recognize what women are looking for.
01 ReplyWhy bring You women here? Ðe question is about men!
365 opinions shared on Relationships topic. I found your anthem:
https://www.youtube.com/embed/hEmH1EgJbEs00 Reply- 1 y
A "real" man is simply an adult human male. If you mean a "manly" man, yes, that can be difficult to find.
11 Reply- New 1 y
Is a manly man one stereotyped as suč?
2.3K opinions shared on Relationships topic. You better be a five-star babe to ask for a guy that looks like that because he's going to have his pick of the litter.
00 Reply- 1 y
If the picture of a man you chose is what you call a "real man", than yes. This guy is a Giga-chad who can have any girl he wants.
10 Reply - 1 y
They struggle because they don't qualify for the basics.
00 Reply What defines the person in the picture as a 'real man'?
00 Reply- 1 y
It's simple.. make a poll on how many men support FEMINISM and LGBTQ
Supporters are 100% submissive femboys and other are proud MASCULINE.
I bet you'll get accurate results!00 Reply - 1 y
Not really. About one-fifþ of åll humans are real men, be ðey females or males.
00 Reply - 1 y
Nope. Women just have to stop being so picky.
31 Reply- 1 y
Best answer on here
Wth do you mean by real man?
21 Reply- 1 y
Nowhere day you gotta make at least 6 figures to be a real man. that's only the top 9% of Guys.
00 Reply - 1 y
Don't ask the people at Bud Light. lol
30 Reply it can be hard to find a real man, yeah.
10 ReplyFYI, we're not on dating apps
10 Reply- 1 y
It depends on your idea of a real man.
20 Reply 559 opinions shared on Relationships topic. Henry Cavill found you? XD
00 Reply- 1 y
What is the definition of real?
00 Reply - 1 y
Dating in general is just more difficult now lol
00 Reply - 1 y
Yes bcoz most of us do not want it real.
11 Reply- 1 y
Thanks for like!
All men are real lmao
10 ReplyWhat do you consider as a real man?
00 ReplyI guess you'd have to define real
00 Reply1.4K opinions shared on Relationships topic. No clue, I am not looking for one.
00 Reply- 1 y
Most pass there's by.
01 Reply- 1 y
- 1 y
no im right here
00 Reply - 1 y
I don't know 🤷🏻♂️
10 Reply - 1 y
Not if you chose me
00 Reply
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