My husband is watching vloggers meet girls in different countries. It is starting to make me feel upset?


Is it stupid that my husband watching vloggers meet girls around different parts of the world Is starting to bother me? He's been doing it over the last week, at first I was okay with it. But now that I seen it's like everyday based on his search history, it is starting to upset me, the vlog will be titled something like 'hot columbiana invites me to her room' or 'I went to a girls only bar' or 'trapped on the beach with Brazilians' , I mean I've seen him watch just purely travel blogs too. That's how it started off more or less. But now they just seem centered on meeting some sort of girls. I know it's just on YouTube which is why I have not brought it up with him but like don't make me feel that great. by the way , based on his search history it appears that these particular vloggers keep being suggested to him in YouTube so he's not actually searching for their name. But he is still clicking and watching the videos...

I havnt brought it up with him. I don't want to seem jelous and insecure, just want to know if I am justified in feeling upset or if I am overreacting? Can someone please give me some perspective.

My husband is watching vloggers meet girls in different countries. It is starting to make me feel upset?
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