Should I push my boyfriend to go work abroad?


He was working in another city and we would only get to spend 2 weekends together every month. He would sometimes work all day in order to finish sooner and get one more day at home with me. But his job paid really well.

When I left him, he messed up and lost his job. I'm not sure, now I'm even thinking he did it on purpose. Soon after, we made up. He didn't work for 10 days and we were just going out all the time and he spent every penny on me.

He got many job offers. His colleagues arranged everything for him to go to work abroad and it's paid really well but then he would only get to come home once every 2-3 months. And we were having coffee with them and they were really pushing him to go and they told me "Stay out of this, let him decide" and I said fine.

And guess what he did. He found a job which pays 2 times less than the previous one. But he gets to stay at our hometown all the time.

I have my own company and I only need to work 1 or 2 hours every day and I make enough money to easily support both of us, even an entire family if we had kids.

I read his messages this morning and I saw they are asking him again from another company to confirm if he is going abroad or not. And it's a loooot of money, even double of what I make. And he replied that he wants to stay here.

I love my boyfriend. I don't mind even if he didn't work at all. Sometimes I give him money because I know he doesn't have much now and I tell him no need to pay me back but he always does.

We are both used to a life of luxury, eating at restaurants every day. When I suggest to go somewhere he tells me I don't have that kind of money now. And I tell him let's go anyway, I will pay. But I don't know how that feels for him, maybe even worse.

I am afraid he will get sick of living in poverty while he lost so good opportunities because of me. What if eventually he blames me for this.

Should I push my boyfriend to go work abroad?
4 Opinion