Should I be worried my boyfriend doesn't ask me to hang out or buy me flowers?

My boyfriend (22) and I (18) have been together for a little over a month now, and it's going pretty well, he tells me he is ready to settle down which is a huge reassurance to me as he is not dating me just to date but to settle down. We know each other through mutual friends you can say, I met him through my older sister's fiancé. Everything for the most part has been going pretty smoothly we have a few arguments here and there that do kind of concern me for the reason being we are so fresh into our relationship I feel that we should be in our honeymoon phase and shouldn't find anything yet to somewhat argue about. On the other hand, I'm getting worried that maybe my boyfriend doesn't like me romantically. He has never once shown me a romantic gesture like buying me flowers or take me out to dinner. I am always initiating us seeing each other, he used to always ask me to hang out and now it feels like I am the only one that makes plans for us to hang out, I have brought this to his attention and every time I bring it up he sort of will shut me down and tell him that, that isn't true an that he's trying his hardest. So, with him saying that I try to brush it off, I even tried for an entire week of me not asking him to hang out, and not a single I miss you, or I wanna see you. We didn't see each other that week. When we are together it's like we are on top of the world and he acts like he really likes me, but it feels like he might not have as much interest in me as he used too. I try my best to give him his personal time with himself and his friends but to a certain extent I wish he'd make plans with me the way he does with his friends. ANY GUYS WITH ADVICE PLS ANSWER ME BACK !!!

XO Anonymous

Yes Girl TF
No you're overthinking
give it some time
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Should I be worried my boyfriend doesn't ask me to hang out or buy me flowers?
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