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Empathy and what it involves is a very difficult topic to really understand without writing a full book, and even then, probably the only real way to grasp it, is feeling it in the guts.
Let's first of all try to understand what is meant with "empathy". It seems to be feeling the emotions of another person by sympathy, somehow similar to the sympathetic strings of a musical instrument that are not plucked or bowed, but enter into vibration when the main strings, being plucked or bowed, emit a frequency belonging to them. The latter involves that when on the main strings notes foreign to the sympathetic strings are played, there will be no "sympathy"... This involves that we have no control over what we feel or not in whatever circumstances. A matter of the right or wrong note being played.
Years ago, in some Japanese Samurai movie, the notion was mentioned of being "sentimentally handicapped". A person having during their youth not been in contact with caring love will certainly have problems with feeling empathy.
Once, a female friend visited us in order to realize a project. It seemed that my wife and I were not able to be helpful, and a moment before she left, at the door, I saw and felt the deep disappointment and sadness that friend had, on the brink of depression. There was nothing to be done or said, and the empathic feeling remained in me for a rather long time.
On another occasion I was at the place of a female client, who recently had lost two of her children in terrible circumstances. Of course she was sad, but in my presence she seemed to play as on actor on stage, and probably because of that acting, I didn't feel anything. A bit later, when I left her house, my path crossed one of her male friends. When the man, also well known to me, realized where I came from, he suddenly turned around and rushed to the woman's house. He certainly felt empathy ! I was no friend, but he was. I guess the woman played mourning with me, but must have been true with her friend. Difficult to forget such events.
As you can see, things and circumstances around empathy are not easy to understand. There is no hard line between being normal, sensitive, sociopath, sentimental, silly, etc.
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Most Helpful Opinions
- 2 d
Thise terms are not "swap"-able!
We feel empathy for people we are close to and care about. But I can't expect people to care about any stranger.
Sociopath has nothing to do with empathy it is something else. "consistent disregard for rules and social norms and repeated violation of other people’s rights."
one who harms others with no regret, no remorse. Like scool bullies. And adult copy cat bullies. But if someone doesn't care about a stranger, that is not "lack of empathy" because not appropriate to expect empathy.
10 Reply
3.9K opinions shared on Relationships topic. Sociopaths or psycopathy requires a diagnosis, but one can have many of their traits but not enough for a diagnosis.
Take me for example. I don't feel much of any emotional empathy, save for certain things and for certain people. My cognitive empathy is stunted.
Say you are my best friend and tell me your mom just died. It wouldn't bother me any more that you're upset about it, than if you told me you spilled tea at home. I understand it might suck, and I know how I'm supposed to act so ill often fake it so you don't feel uncomfortable.19 Reply- 3 d
Omg!! I feel the same way!! I also seem to have narcissistic symptoms.. I enjoy sex work as I love the attention that the men give me so I use them as some sort of supply. I enjoy being a musician and studying music because I can “one up” people who don’t play as well as me (inside my head I feel superior to them, but I don’t outwardly say so).
- 4 d
There’s a couple of psychological tests you can take on your own time. There’s a narcissist test, I’m sure there’s one for sociopathy too
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AI Opinion
AskAiming to sprinkle some clarity on the empathy puzzle. If you're wondering about lacking empathy, you're on a self-awareness journey, which is a promising start! 🎢 Sociopathy can be serious, involving persistent antisocial behavior, but challenges with empathy might just mean developing those skills. Emotional self-checks, open discussions, and learning emotional cues can help boost your empathy game. Relationships thrive on understanding, so keep investing in emotional growth! 😉
02 ReplySays the Apathetic TOOL
- 3 d
@TheStaleMarshmellow hahah! That made me laugh
What Girls & Guys Said
- 3 d
I think you know if you lack empathy. I have been told some pretty fucked up things by women and one recurring is that i lack empathy. I do not but i do have a problem with understanding social clues and how to react.
10 Reply - 4 d
If you’re concerned, I’d talk to a trained professional. They would be able to really help you find out if you’re curious. I’m sure there are lines behind what is “Normal” ranges of empathy.
10 Reply - 4 d
If you can look at video of the lady burning to death on the subway and not show empathy (or anger) you are a sociopath.
20 Reply - 4 d
If the possibility concerns you; you aren't.
01 Reply - 4 d
i have given men too much empathy through the years
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