Are you offended by the term "allow" in a relationship?

First let me say that the picture is funny to me, I thought the man was holding her purse and was trying to figure out what was going on in the image, I didn’t know it was a briefcase until I read the description and I am still not sure why he would have a briefcase in that scene!
To answer the question, no, the word “allow” to me is one that is about closeness and how you are combining your goals from being individuals to being a couple, and I also think it reflects honesty, as opposed to “oh you can do whatever you want” and then you get mad about something and get passive aggressive. Just say it! And if one says the other is not allowed to do something and the other one disagrees, you talk it out, that is healthy. JMO!
No since everyone has boundaries and has things they may not want a partner to do. If both partners can't express these feelings to each other than whats the point of being in a relationship together.
I'm not offended by the term "allow", recognizing that it's impossible to control what someone else does. One can voice their disapproval of something, but if someone really wants to do it, they are going to.
For example, one can say they don't approve of their spouse's friend, but their spouse is free to choose their friends, trying to control that is doomed to fail.
Not really, my wife tells me what I am allowed to do.
Depends how it’s used. If you “allow” one another into your hearts and lives, that’s ok. But to think someone will micromanage my life… that’s no-kay. It’s important to find the balance, the joy, and aim at not being possessive. Some folks can’t do it. I had a close acquaintance lose a great gal over this back in August. They were perfect for each other… he proposed… her elderly parent took a turn for the worst in their illness and she went home to be with them. The guy gave her a hard time… “not allowing” her to go home. She asked for space… he refused to “allow her” that space… and now he struts around single and she grieves at home alone, one parent and one fiance short.
I'm not an employee, so my wife doesn't tell me what I'm "allowed" to do. I'm not a cop or her employee, so I don't tell her what she's "allowed" to do, either. We don't give orders or ultimatums.
We talk things out, share our views, and give advice. Neither of us wants to do anything that would hurt the other.
No, I'm not. I know it usually doesn't mean "allow" in the sense of having control over what someone is allowed to do. Nitpicking over word choice is a bit childish in my opinion.
You know my answer Hawky!
Anyone who uses that term sees themselves as being in control of another person. And anyone who accepts it wants to be controlled.
I suppose this can work for some people. Makes me grit my teeth!
So if your partner states the conditions for a relationship saying you're not allowed to sleep with others or you're not allowed to go out with someone without at least telling them, you would see this as them being controlling?
There are always conditions and things you're allowed and not allowed to do in a healthy loving and committed relationship. Some things should not even need to be said as to what you should not be able to do.
If you're allowed to do whatever you want in a relationship regardless of how your partner feels about it, that's not really a relationship.
OK OK, we're mincing words. If the two AGREE on being exclusive to each other, no group sex.. etc etc... that's not ONE PERSON telling the other, "You can't do this." It's the two of you AGREEING to rules of the road.
In our relationship we will do this and we won't do that. It's an agreement.
No one's mincing words. The definition of allow is: give someone permission to do something. I used it in the correct context.
You're getting offended over a word when there's literally no reason to be.
But you do not give someone permission in a relationship where two people are equals. Permission is granted to someone in an inferior position. Agreement is come to between equals.
Nah, cause I know it doesn't mean "control", but just an easier term to use to say "would you let it happen in a relationship with you".
Allow is a term that is not offensive. It is however something that throws a relationship off balance which is counter productive.
Ohhh yh quickest way to get my fire up. And not my good fire side lol
I feel like this is a really context-heavy question and I'm totally lacking that context.
The briefcase is still too big for @Circushowcowboy
XD shush it
You could live inside it! :D
Lmaoo whatever!
I don't know but I know it makes it difficult to be in a relationship
And the briefcase 💼 crikey wow 😧
It’s just a word
Sounds controlling
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