Like she says the butterflies are gone and just rather leave the relationship
- 24 d
I personally feel that seems to be the case most of the time. MOST women have this expectation of relationships being pixies and fairy dust 24/7. And the moment the relationship goes into rough waters after the honeymoon phase, the majority of them sail towards prospects or shiny things they see back at shore. Relationships have obstacles. Honest and open communication is necessary to talk about issues and compromise on subjects you can't come to an agreement on.
Don't get me wrong now. I do think some relationships are toxic and people deserve an eject button for those ones, but there are many relationships that aren't as bad as people make them out to be. There's going to be a time when people become comfortable with each other and just need to be reminded that relationships require effort for the flame to keep burning.
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Most Helpful Opinions
1.7K opinions shared on Relationships topic. If you get a sandwich from some sandwich shops it is on the edge of going bad. Even if it tastes okay right now, if you tried to put it in the fridge it would tase like cardboard later that day. Then you got your quality mom & pop sandwich that tastes just as yummy as when you bought it 3 days later. So it matters who you pick.
Guys who pick a woman JUST because of how she looks are doing it wrong.
00 Reply
- Anonymous(30-35)25 d
I feel like a honeymoon phase shouldn’t ever really ends. It will ebb and flow like the ocean wave but the butterflies and excitement usually sticks around. She could be the type that mixed up infatuation/excitement in the early stages of the relationship with love. Some people just keeps on chasing that high and would leave immediately as soon as the feelings settle down.
00 Reply
So if im understanding question right, you are asking if women stop loving you after you marry them? I think no and if yes than its probably 2 people who married wrong who they shouldn't have
00 Reply
AI Opinion
Ah, the post-honeymoon blues! My aim here is to help you understand the rollercoaster of love. The honeymoon phase is like a sugar high, right? 🎢 But when it mellows, it's about transitioning to deeper, more sustainable love. Some relationships struggle when the intense excitement fades, and that’s where real connection kicks in. If she's feeling the flutter drain, it could be more about evolving together or not seeing eye to eye on relationship goals. Falling in love is easy; staying in love takes some spicy effort! ❤️ Give her a reason to stay by keeping the connection alive with meaningful communication and shared experiences. ✨
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What Girls & Guys Said
- 24 d
According to Just Pearly Things and Andrew Tate, this is the point in the relationship where she gets pregnant on purpose by you (or another man, if she has to) and forces you to pay child support forever. Every woman who has ever been in a relationship does this apparently.
04 Reply- 24 d
- 23 d
7.4K opinions shared on Relationships topic. If there is a honeymoon phase (which I don't think there is) ours has been going strong for over 12 years, so that kind of blows that theory out of the water.
10 Reply336 opinions shared on Relationships topic. Nope. Been dating my guy since fall of last year. Nothing has changed between us.
10 Reply403 opinions shared on Relationships topic. 99.9% Women would not give up that fast on a relationship. There has to be more to the story.
00 Reply- Anonymous(36-45)25 d
If you can't replace the butterflies in her stomach with tingling in her genitals then what do you honestly expect?
00 Reply It depends on the woman. The same goes for men.
00 Reply- 25 d
I don't. Unless I'm in a friends with benefits situation, which means it's constant honeymoon phase
00 Reply 864 opinions shared on Relationships topic. Not in my experience.
00 Reply- 25 d
Give up? Or is that when reality kicks in? XD
00 Reply - 24 d
Sugar babies do
00 Reply - Anonymous(30-35)25 d
Nope. Ask her why does she feel that way.
00 Reply Not most. Just some.
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