- 15 d
Personally, I would struggle with the fact that my partner's parents didn't approve of my relationship. I'm a people pleaser, it would hurt my heart if they didn't like me or my relationship with their son. It would also make my heart go out to my partner since he should be able to have a harmonious relationship with his parents and me as well. If they were very petty with their disapproval, this could ruin our marriage, Christmases, and simply the relationship. Maybe that's my overthinking kicking in, but as someone who has had petty grandparents who disproved of my dad and his relationship with my mom, I have seen this happen with my parents. (No they were never divorced. My mom passed away and my dad and I got cut off)
On the other hand, though, I also would be like "Screw you, I don't care" because if they suck it up and accept that their son has found someone that he wants to be with and treats him right, then that's a personal loss/failure on their part. If my partner didn't care about his parent's disapproval of our relationship, then I think it would be fine.
I would say, though, that I would talk with my partner about his parent's feelings and how he feels about it. Once we reached an agreement, I would have me and my partner discuss it with his parents and try to reach a consensus with them. If we can't, then it would be back to the drawing board with my partner and I. Either way, I would still treat his parents with respect and kindness. That way, I am not at fault and at least I tried to be the good person in this situation.
Overall, this is a personal thing for me and personal bit of advice to everyone out there: Communication with your partner is key. Always communicate about EVERYTHING with your partner. (within reason, don't be TMI.) If there is no communication, the relationship is bound to fail, so always communicate with your partner.
00 Reply
Most Helpful Opinions
It would be honestly difficult for me to handle. I would try to prove myself to them and win them over. If I couldn’t, I don’t know, I would need to think about things. Luckily I have never been in this situation, they love me and appreciate me. Good luck!
00 Reply
3.2K opinions shared on Relationships topic. Just ignore their parents’ and distance yourself from them , tell your partner the truth that you don’t want to be around their parents’ because they don’t accept you for you. If your partner loves and cares about you , they will have words with their parents’ and tell the parents’ to stop being disrespectful to my partner , if you can’t accept him or her , then you can’t accept me either and I will no longer bring them around you whatsoever. . Parents’ can cause a lot of problems in their child’s’ relationships if that child allows them to. If a partner is siding with parents’ over choosing their partner , then that partner should really reconsider that relationship period and leave their ass. My parents’ didn’t accept some of the girls’ I dated and I made it clear to my parents’ she is my girlfriend , not yours, so back off or I won’t be around either. So if your partner isn’t doing that for you , then he isn’t the guy for you period
00 Reply
3.4K opinions shared on Relationships topic. If my parents had an issue, there would probably be a real reason behind it, but I can't imagine not knowing about that reason already. My folks have always been open minded and reasonable in that respect. My sister is a different story, but I have little interest in her opinion anyway.
That said, I've always been very independent and very stubborn. I would consider and weigh anything they said, but once I make my decision, that's it. I can't be bullied or manipulated into changing my mind.
My folks think my girlfriend is fantastic, though, so there's no family drama. More gifts and recipe exchanges instead.00 Reply
AI Opinion
Ah, navigating the "approval maze" with your partner’s parents can sure feel like a wild ride! 🎢 As a relationship coach extraordinaire, my aim is to sprinkle some charm and wisdom here. Communication is key. Have an open chat with your partner about their parents’ concerns. Show understanding, be respectful, and let your lovely charisma shine through when you interact with them. Remember, patience is your bestie in this situation. Ultimately, love prevails, and your partner chose *you* for a reason! Keep sparkling! ✨💕
00 Reply
What Girls & Guys Said
- 17 d
Id try and change their mind somehow, if she's worth it, it's worth the efforts of getting her parents approval as well, even tho I know I can continue my relationship without their approval I want their approval and will seek their approval out of respect
00 Reply - Anonymous(45 Plus)17 d
I’d have to step outside and look at it as to why. My parents are really nice, especially my mom. My dad is just cool, goes along w it. It takes a long time for something to get to him. In all the relationships I’ve had my parents have never objected. They were really nice to the women I’ve been w. So if my mom objects to it I’d have to think there’s a really good reason why.
00 Reply - Anonymous(45 Plus)16 d
Find out why. Then see how you partner responds to the problem. If they are close to their parents or dismiss this as a concern, it's just not going to work and need resolving. If it cannot be resolved they are going to have a problem because they'll have to choose.
00 Reply - 16 d
I didn’t and wouldn’t care , they can lend me their view , experience and opinions I would expect and mostly want that but it’s my choice and I would expect them to respect that.
00 Reply Just put it in a positive perspective...
Less days that you are expected to be somewhere where you really don't actually want to be00 Reply- 16 d
i'd be curious why but they lost the right to act like they genuinely care lmao
00 Reply - 17 d
I don't care what my parents say their opinion does not matter.
01 Reply - 17 d
Depends on what partner does. Who do they side with? If they distance themselves from parents then there's not much of an issue
00 Reply 6K opinions shared on Relationships topic. I would talk to my partner about it. How close are they to their parents?
00 ReplyOh they dont approve it huh? i would say somthing like
"WELL TOUGH SHIT, noone asked you. As an adult i date whoever i want"
00 Reply- 15 d
It's my life and choice. So I won't take them serious.
00 Reply - 17 d
There must be something wrong with you if his parents don't like you. They just think you are a hoe or otherwise are lacking.
00 Reply - Anonymous(25-29)15 d
there's nothing that can be done if it's something outside of my control
00 Reply - 16 d
Ponder (but perhaps not) break it off due to such family opprobrium.
00 Reply - 17 d
What's to handle? Opinions are like assholes, everybody's got em.
00 Reply Forgot I wasn't born I time traveled 🫢 amateurs had a bad influence
00 Reply- 15 d
Tell their parents I’m not interested in you. Their to old. But I tend to be a smart ass.
00 Reply - 16 d
id break up with them, i can find a new partner, can't find new parents
00 Reply 2.2K opinions shared on Relationships topic. I wouldn't give a rat's ass.
10 Reply- 16 d
Sometimes that can be taken as a compliment.
00 Reply - 17 d
Weird stock art choice for this one.
00 Reply 1.2K opinions shared on Relationships topic. If he didn’t handle that, I would leave.
00 Reply3.9K opinions shared on Relationships topic. I don't care. I'm not after their approval
00 Reply6K opinions shared on Relationships topic. Try my best to avoid them.
00 Reply- 17 d
I would want to know why and start there.
00 Reply - 14 d
I'd know I'm not marriage material, ha
00 Reply - 16 d
I wouldn't handle it well.
00 Reply - 15 d
Limited contact.
00 Reply 4.1K opinions shared on Relationships topic. I wouldn't care
00 Reply- 17 d
Why do u care?
00 Reply
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