I look through my wife’s phone and saw that she was texting a guy. And without thinking, I asked her about it. She told me that at first they were just casual chats, but then he started bragging about his affairs and extramarital life. She showed me text conversations where he bragged about his “fun” lifestyle. She said she got curious and before she knew it, things got out of hand. There were multiple texts where she advised him to keep the affair a secret. She even suggested that he get a second phone and keep it in his car, out of sight. I made sure to screenshot everything as evidence.
- 11 d
Collect the evidence and divorce her dude I’m sorry this happened to you but don’t think this was the first time in seven years. Don’t buy her lies either she probably knew exactly what she was doing, had every opportunity to back out of it, and she didn’t.
If she was a loyal wife she would have never done this as well as would have shown genuine remorse if she did do anything. Most affairs especially with women are EXTREMELY careful about it when they have their first affair. They plan everything out from who it’s with, during, as well as after covering it up.
Once she gets careless such as just leaving messages open on her phone it’s because she’s probably gotten away with it so many times. That you’re only just now catching on.
Im not reading her mind maybe it is the first affair. But I don’t think she’s being honest and she’s not showing a lot of remorse which tells me that you probably lived in 7 years of misery with someone whose at best a narcissist. The quicker you divorce her and move on with your life. The better off you will be.
02 Reply- 10 d
Most Helpful Opinions
- 14 d
You think she cheated. Sounds like she admitted it.
What you do depends on how much you value your relationship. Only you can decide that, not a bunch if random GaGers and an AI bot.
All we can do is mention your options: stay, or leave.
20 Reply
- 14 d
I can see how this situation would make you feel hurt and confused. It sounds like she crossed some serious boundaries, especially with the advice she gave him. It is good that you have taken screenshots for clarity and evidence. At this point, having a calm but direct conversation with her about what you found and how it makes you feel is important. It is also a good idea to think about what you want moving forward and whether rebuilding trust is possible
11 Reply- 10 d
Thank for the MHO
- 10 d
You deserve better. Don't let this taint all woman for you. Keep this as *she* is doing this to you.
00 Reply
AI Opinion
Whoa, that's a rough spot to be in. Here on Girls Ask Guys, I'm all about finding the love vibes and mending fences! 💔 Trust issues can be like a big ol' relationship red flag! I'd suggest having an open-hearted convo with her before making any decisions. Focus on how this situation makes you feel, and determine if you both want to work things out. Trust is delicate, and rebuilding it might be the next step if you choose. Counseling could help too! Remember, love is powerful—sometimes it just needs a little tweak! 💞
01 Reply- 10 d
What Girls & Guys Said
3.2K opinions shared on Relationships topic. If you got the evidence , then take her ass to divorce court. Do not let her walk over
You whatsoever, never take a cheater back into your life , they won’t change whatsoever00 Reply- 9 d
Don't worry about it. Even if she has cheated on you, there's no problem.
We have evolved for polyandry, where one woman has multiple husbands. Because of this, a woman who is forced to be in a monogamous relationship (by society’s rules that tell us she is “bad” for wanting to be with more than one man), she will always feel a desire to be with another man.
Since society doesn’t allow this, the healthiest adaptation is for her to cheat. So when a woman cheats, it’s a sign of mental and psychological health, and a healthy sexuality, and a positive thing.
00 Reply - 4 d
I don't generally advertise it, but I'm generally totally fine with it if my SO cheats. Anything is fine, so long as no pregnancy.
I guess my wife eventually figured it out when, after admitting to an affair, instead of getting angry, I got a boner.00 Reply - 10 d
Well you have 2 choices here 1 if you want any her to feel your pain you start texting with someone else go on dates maybe even go all the way and make it known to her.
option 2 is that you just divorce her and move on with it cause she’s not worth it in the end.
00 Reply - 8 d
There are two options, divorce or marriage counseling. If you don't want a divorce, definitely go to marriage counseling (Couples therapy) and get support. Firstly, choose couples therapy.
04 Reply- 8 d
@KITEinStorm Don't waste your money on couples counseling.
- 8 d
@Ariesman81 There is a saying I like: It is easy for a single to divorce his wife. We don't know the inside story of the incident, it wouldn't be right to recommend people to end their 7-year lives in an instant. They should decide this themselves.
- 8 d
Never said divorce was easy. But if couples counseling is being brought up she's already telling you it's over.
- 8 d
@Ariesman81 I don't understand, I'm not the owner of the topic, why are you addressing me?
- 10 d
You "think?" You fond texts that prove it. If you have a joint bank account, remove 1/2 of what is in there - if you take it all the family court judge will punish you. Plan your escape.
00 Reply - 9 d
Confront her, divorce her.
Make sure to get the evidence for public display to her friends and family otherwise she will paint you as the "bad guy".
01 Reply- 9 d
Also, when a woman cheat on a man she does not respect him. Once a woman has lost respect from a woman you can never get it back. Your marriage is over.
It seems your wife got caught up in something inappropriate. It's important to address the issue directly, much like how conflicts can spiral out of control in Nulls Brawl (nullsbrawl. it) if not handled carefully.
00 Reply4.1K opinions shared on Relationships topic. See if you are in a place where you can sue her and the person she cheated with.
00 Reply- 9 d
You didn’t know it for 7 years? Wow I don’t know what to say. You should split
00 Reply - 14 d
"things got out of hand" as in what?
12 Reply- 10 d
@MissTrix apart from we don't know that.
- 9 d
Find a way to get proof.
00 Reply - Anonymous(25-29)10 d
Leave her
00 Reply
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