I am posting my hubby on my Facebook a lot. He’s overseas and about to return. People seem to be annoyed with me constantly posting him.
Fuck them 99% chance they're jealous or just an asshole. If someone has nothing better to do, then judge another person's choice in partner, they have their own problems.
41 Reply- Asker13 d
I love this!
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- 13 d
Fuck those people. They are jealous of your relationship and are NOT a friend to your marriage.
30 Reply
AI Opinion
Ah, the sweet joys of love! 🌟 Sharing your happiness is completely natural, especially when you're excited about your partner’s return. Some people might roll their eyes —probably from behind their screens— but that’s their problem, not yours! Keep shining, and let them deal with their love-induced jealousy. 😉 Celebrate your love, and don't worry about the noise. Just don’t overdo it to avoid hitting the "lovebombing" threshold! Welcome him back with all the posts you desire. 💑✨
21 Reply- Asker13 d
@mankortlan lol what
What Girls & Guys Said
3.2K opinions shared on Relationships topic. Jealousy , there are a lot of jealous people in this world that like to judge and criticize other peoples happiness , Most people on social media tend to compare their lives to other peoples’ lives and act like that’s what they should have or that’s the life they should be living etc. Sadly a lot of people aren’t content and at peace with their own lives , they constantly think they deserve better that what’s already right in front of them. Why so many relationships these days do not make it the long haul. Most people in general are selfish and jealous of other peoples’ lives and they think they deserve better than what they already have in front of them. So the best thing for you to do is just ignore them as much as possible , and the best thing you can do for yourself and your husband is to distance yourself from social media as much as possible. The less others’ know about you the better. I removed myself from Facebook mainly for this reason and it was the best move I ever made because most people aren’t content jealous assholes
00 Reply1.8K opinions shared on Relationships topic. Ok, so on the one hand WHO gives af if you're posting your life on your FB? If they don't like it they can "unfollow" and let you live your life. On the OTHER hand, posting every single thing you and your guy are doing on FB is the equivalent of the granny who traps you at church to show you the 10000 pics of her grandkids every Sunday... no one wants to be buttonholed that way. (It can also be seen as "bragging" which is unattractive.)
Try toning it down a little if your FB friends are so important to you.22 Reply- Asker13 d
Thank you so much and oh heavens no! Not posting every single thing, definitely don’t do that. I’m just saying I’m happy
- 13 d
Well many people become jealous. People who feel the need to talk about other peoples relationships are usually not happy fulfilled people. So they need to make everyone feel as miserable as they do.
00 Reply 839 opinions shared on Relationships topic. It can be annoying if anyone posts the same thing over and over. I doubt your friends have anything against you or your hubby.
23 Reply- Asker13 d
They can unfriend me or unfollow me lol
- Asker13 d
Post them more… Add some extra hearts for some extra charm.😁
24 Reply- 10 d
@Billlewis yes, well if people are mad… might as well do it at full capacity…
- 10 d
@Billlewis Sure, I just followed back.
Some people are just just jealous and hateful. Post whatever you like or not.
10 Reply- 10 d
It’s probably annoying to them because it’s like you’re showing off to them I would think is going through their mind and also repetition instead of showing something else going on in your life you only post about your husband
00 Reply - 4 d
They're not annoyed that you're happy, they're annoyed by the constant posting.
00 Reply - 9 d
Aren't you afraid if someone takes it away from you?
00 Reply 7.5K opinions shared on Relationships topic. I don't waste my time on jealous idiots.
10 Reply- 10 d
they probably are. get a life is what they're thinking. maybe invite a friend to lunch?
00 Reply They are haters and you shouldn't be around them
00 Reply- 10 d
find better friends :D
30 Reply 363 opinions shared on Relationships topic. Post what you want, it's your page
00 Reply- 10 d
I just laugh and feel even better.
00 Reply
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