He doesn't wanna celebrate anything, our anniversary?

My boyfriend and I's one year is coming up, and I know one year really isn't al that much but we had dated before, broke up saw other people and ended up back with each other. I feel like there's a reason we came back together and the one year thing is a big deal to me. We didn't do ANYTHING for Valentine's day because he said he didn't have money and he doesn't wanna celebrate our anniversary for the same reason. But to me it isn't about money, I'd be happy going for a hike together and either making something for us to eat or getting something cheap...im not hard to please I just want him to care like I do...he got user about this and said well don't get your hopes up...this coming from a guy that told me he is into romance and sometimes he really is romantic...but he's not taking into consideration that this means something to me just because it doesn't to him...
He doesn't wanna celebrate anything, our anniversary?
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