A Control Mechanism: Religion With Secrets and Dogmas

Whenever you hear about cults you think to yourself "What is wrong with these people that they would get into this and stay there, give all of their money to these people who are obviously swindling them and ruining their relationships with the outside world!?"

...but...honestly speaking there are plenty of 'religions' that, with their secretive behavior and 'don't ask any questions' policies come very close to cults and the people in them, and even the people outside of them, don't see it. Why?

Because they've been recognized by the government as a 'religion'.

If you're something on paper masses will give you the benefit of the doubt - and the ease of which something can be constituted a religion has been so loose in the last few decades that the word religion has lost all meaning.

The GOLDEN RULE of the biggest religions in the world is the absolute same: "Do not do onto others what you don't want to be done onto you."

A Control Mechanism: Religion With Secrets and Dogmas

All of the most popular religions are based on the idea that if you help yourself, God/s will help you too! And I love this concept because it actually just encourages people to fight for themselves, respectfully and proudly, and all you get is largely based on what you did to get it - or not get it.

So if you want that job work hard as all hell to get it, be there all the time, pester everyone with your resumes, your brilliant interviews, befriend people who already work there, do whatever you need to do and you WILL get it eventually...

This, of course, has many flaws, but the premise itself is valid and I respect the notion.

A Control Mechanism: Religion With Secrets and Dogmas

Now, getting back on track here - if you hear something, anything, as a child and your parents believe it wholeheartedly, then it is your duty to believe in it as well, and you do. Why? Because it's all you know and the people who love you the most believe in it, they live their lives by it and you don't really have a choice (in most cases).

It's no different with any religions, cults included.

If your religion doesn't want you to think, if it doesn't want you to explore all religions, if it doesn't want you to be an independent person, if it exploits you, if it labels you, if it shackles you, if it tears you away from the people you love, if it prevents you from learning about science and the world - it's not a religion, it's a cult.

Cult: a system of religious veneration and devotion directed towards a particular figure or object.

If you feel like you can't do the normal, every day, legal things you used to be able to do, you might be in a cult.

If you feel like you've changed completely due to the religion and your loved ones can't recognize you anymore (in a thoroughly negative way) your religion is controlling you.

Religion is supposed to make your life better, explain to you (to an extent) the purpose of your time on Earth. It's supposed to nourish your relationships with others and help you grow as a person. Religion gives you somewhere to turn to and gives you an emotional and mental boost when you need it.

It teaches you the ways of behaving, of relating to others that should be pleasant and morally sound on all fronts.

A Control Mechanism: Religion With Secrets and Dogmas

If your religion doesn't let you question its teachings, if it doesn't refer to all, possibly, unbelievable aspects of it, if it shuts you down at once when you start to ask for explanations - it is a clear indication there's something 'rotten in the state of Denmark'.


The trick to some of these problems are the people who are supposed to be your spirit guides - if they're rotten, you can't possibly expect the religion to make you feel any better. You should always choose a spirit guide you feel comfortable with and of whom you know is truly in it for the right reasons.

A Control Mechanism: Religion With Secrets and Dogmas

Controlling the populace is easy. All it takes is a novel idea passed on as something ancient and magical, a few willing participants, some scammers calling themselves high priests and a safe where all the people's money will go...and that's about it.

Governments and the media have been controlling people for as long as there were people, so when it comes to something as massive and wide-spread as religion, don't be fooled, don't be naive, don't just 'take their word for it'. Make your own decisions and never let others make them for you!

A Control Mechanism: Religion With Secrets and Dogmas
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